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Shoyo's POV

I got up a few minutes ago to get ready for morning practice but looks like Annie and Natsu slept through the night. I walked into Annie's room to get her up, she probably didn't set her alarm before her "nap" yesterday. Yeah, I was right. Annie and Natsu are curled together, I almost feel bad for waking them up... no I don't.

"GOOOOOOOOD MORNING!!!!!! It's time for class folks!" Natsu jumped up at the sound of my screaming and Annie slowly lifted her head. Her hair dropping over her face as she sat up, heh she kinda looks like Sadako (from "The Ring")... Her eyes, she is very mad. OH, she is really mad. I'm scared she might kill me.

"Well, gotta blast! AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I screamed as I ran back down the hall to the kitchen.

Lillianna's POV

I was sleeping so well too, ugh. Guess I have to kill him now. I picked Natsu up and walked slowly out of my room. I walked her down the hall, where we met Shoyo who was standing at the other side of the kitchen table in fear. I set Natsu down and sighed. I'm too tired to do anything. I walked back to my room to get changed for school. I get to see Asahi soon. Shoyo is probably confused, I'll just leave him in suspense and fear for the whole day before I tell him I'm not actually mad.

At morning practice

Asahi's POV

Annie hopped into the gym on one foot, she was still getting her other slipper on. She was smiling, she looks so cute. Once Annie had slipped her shoes on, she hopped onto both of her feet and glanced around the room. She stopped when she saw me and gave me a huge smile. She began walking over to me, so I walked towards her. We met halfway,

"H-hi" Oh jeez, I stuttered again. She's my girlfriend now, why am I still so nervous?

"hi" her beautiful, tiny voice crept out. Oh. Her voice, she spoke to me again. Everything about her, including her voice, is just so beautiful.

"Your voice is beautiful." My voice was calm. Annie looked up at me confused.

"I do not understand" Annie signed.

"W-well, your voice is very pretty. I like it." I responded confidently. I mean it.

"No one has______told me that, my_____friends used to______me for_______I_______" Annie signed. I couldn't catch all of that, she made movements I didn't recognize. But her face seemed sad and hurt as she said it. What friends is she talking about? And why has no one told her that her voice is pretty before? I can't be the only one who thinks it is.

"I didn't get all of that, I think you used some language I don't know yet."

"I'm sorry" her tiny hands moved quickly as she attempted to emphasize her apology.

"No it's okay, I'm still learning. Soon we can have whole conversations in sign language." I smiled at her, and her smile came back to her face. I don't like it when she's sad.

"Hey Annie, sorry to interrupt but wanna come over here and stand with us, the boys have to start practice." Kiyoko interrupted.

"Okay." Annie signed. Kiyoko looked a bit confused.

"She said 'okay'" I answered. Kiyoko probably hasn't learned any sign language yet.

"Oh, thanks Asahi." Kiyoko nodded at me and turned back to Annie "Okay let's head over there." Kiyoko turned and headed back over to Yachi. Annie looked at Kiyoko, then back at me. Annie looked me in the eye then reached out and grabbed my hand, she squeezed my hand and then ran off to catch up with Kiyoko.

"Dude. You're totally whipped." Suga stated.

I turned in his direction, "Huh?"

At lunch

Asahi's POV

I was sitting at a desk in the far corner of my classroom when, 

"Yo! Azumane, you've got a tiny visitor." a classmate announced from the door, Annie was poking her head into the classroom as my classmate walked over to me, "she's kinda cute, introduce me sometime" he smirked at me then turned and winked at Annie,

"Yeah no, not to you. Sorry" I responded firmly. I'm not gonna let him get close to her. Oh wow, I didn't know I could speak up like that. My classmate's arms went up above his head as he walked away. He surrendered. Annie was still standing at the door fidgeting with her hands when I motioned for her to come over. She smiled at this and skipped over to me. "Hey" I smiled, she smiled brighter in response. She stood in front of my desk and pulled two juice boxes from her pocket. She held one out to me, her arms straight out and the juice bok cradled in her cupped hands. I looked at her and then at her hands, I grabbed the juice box and looked back up to her eyes.

"a gift" she signed excitedly before she began drinking the other juice box

"Thank you" I couldn't hold back my smile, she got this for me. "Do you want to sit down? You don't have to stand." I then took a sip from the juice box. It's sweet. Annie nodded and walked around the desk. What's she doing? There was a chair right there. She smirked at me and then, without warning, pulled my chair out a bit. Woah, she's got muscles, all my weight was in the chair. She then sat down on my right leg, facing away from me. HOLY SHI - 

"thank you" her small voice escaped, only loud enough for me to hear. She reached for my pencil bag that sat on my desk and pulled out a pen and sticky note. She wrote,

"I'll move if you're uncomfortable, but you make a really good boyfriend-chair." She then turned her head to me, smiled wide, and giggled. 

"Don't worry, you're small. I'm just fine. You can use me as a boyfriend-chair anytime" I laughed. Annie blushed and turned to the paper again,

"Hey! I'm not that small!" She was pouting when she looked back at me. I guess I did say that without thinking. Maybe she doesn't like that she's short, I wonder why? I think it's cute.

"I just meant you don't weigh very much." I put my hands on her waist and lifted her up a bit, "see, very light. Almost like nothing at all." I set her back down on my leg and her shoulders folded over herself. She let her hair fall over her shoulders and face, it created walls around her. She was trying to hide, but why? Is it because I said she was small? Is she embarrassed that I was able to pick her up?  Suddenly I thought to look around us, my classmates were all staring. Oh. I wrapped one arm around her shoulders and the other around her waist. I pulled her body as close as I could to mine. I whispered in her ear "Sorry, I was too loud." I moved my face away from her ear and let her adjust. She nodded and went back to hiding behind her hair. I turned my head to my classmates and mouthed

"I'm sorry about that, so go back to what you were doing" I must've looked a bit desperate because they all looked away and went on with themselves, paying no attention to us. Annie moved her hands over mine. At some point during that both my arms ended up around her waist with my hands resting in her lap and my head sat on her shoulder. Annie held my hand in hers, and she traced the lines on the palm of my hand with her finger. We sat together in comfortable silence until the warning bell rang. Her head shot up, she quickly stood up and turned to face me. She signed "later" with a hopeful, yet nervous, expression before she slipped out of my classroom. She caused no commotion during her escape and nobody even noticed that she'd left other than me. All that she left behind was her words on the paper on my desk and a longing feeling in my stomach. I guess I am pretty whipped.

1373 words

Okay, WOW, this story has so many reads! I'm so excited, I never thought that this many people would consider reading! Anyways thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please leave comments and if you have any suggestions please comment them! I read every single one! I hope you all have a great Spring! Yes, Spring is on it's way. I know I'm excited for the warm weather. I live in America on the East coast so it gets kinda cold in the winter. Besides that, I love you all! 💕💕💕💕

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