First Day

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3rd POV

Lillianna woke up to Shoyo and Natsu's yelling coming from the kitchen. She got changed and ready for school. She smiled as she walked over to her adoptive family. Shoyo and Natsu quit their arguing to give Lillianna her usual good morning group hug.
"Good morning Annie!!!" Natsu enthusiastically jumped up into Lillianna's arms, Lillianna joyfully caught her and squeezed back.
"Morning Annie, you ready for your first day?" Shoyo asked with care in his tone.

Lillianna's POV
I thought for a minute about Shoyo's question, I don't really know how ready I am. I've seen Shoyo's team before, I think I could get along with them. I've gone to a couple of his games before but I've never actually met them. Natsu must've picked up on my unsureness because she squeezed me tighter. I looked over at Shoyo and gave a small nod, he smiled in response.

3rd POV
Lillianna put Natsu down and kissed her on the forehead before hugging her adoptive mother and heading out the front door behind Shoyo. They walked to the school as Shoyo tried to explain how Lillianna would navigate the school and told her about their teachers.
"Don't worry though, we're in the same class so I'll be there if you need help," Shoyo reassured Lillianna before he continued rambling on about the school and his team. Lillianna always felt more comfortable when Shoyo was rambling, because she knew she didn't need to respond.

When they arrived at the school and walked into class, the teacher introduced Lillianna.

Lillianna's POV

As the teacher announced my name to the class, I felt my breath escaping me.
"Lillianna please introduce yourself to the class" I turned to the board and wrote my name, the teacher appeared confused but I didn't care, she couldn't possibly expect me to speak in front of the whole class.
"Um, out loud sweetie." The teacher scolded, I flinched at her words. As I turned back around to face the class I glanced helplessly at Shoyo before returning to my hiding place behind my hair.
"Um!" Shoyo slammed his hands down on his desk and stood up "I'm her brother and I just wanted to let you know, she doesn't talk." Shoyo was making a huge scene, everyone's eyes were on him, not me.
"Oh um, go sit down in that empty seat then." The teacher gestured over to a seat near the back, behind Shoyo. I walked quickly over to the seat and sat down before the class could register what Shoyo had really said.

The rest of the school day went smoothly, not many people tried talking to me and the teacher never called on me to answer any questions. Just the way I liked it. As usual nothing the teacher was saying was foreign, my grades were always fine and switching schools wasn't gonna change that.

After class Shoyo came up to me and kissed my forehead,
"You gonna find your way home okay?" I jumped at his question. He laughed,
"It's okay, just sit in on practice. Everyone will love to meet you!" Shoyo got really excited and  it was settled, I am going to sit in on volleyball practice. I am going to meet Shoyo's team.

Shoyo swung the door open, and everyone's eyes fell on me.

Asahi's POV

Hinata slammed the door to the gym open, which was normal for him but today was different. Today, a girl was poking her head around him. Her long hair fell over her shoulder as she leaned to the side with her arms behind her back.
"Who's the cutie Hinata?" Noya announced as he ran up to Hinata who was bent over changing his shoes. The girl stood behind him, looking around at everything, she seemed to be in her own little world.  She's kinda cute. No, she's really cute.
"Hands off Noya-senpai! This is my sister, Lillianna." Hinata yelled as he jumped up and threw his arms over her shoulders. The girl immediately shot her head forward, seeming to come back to reality and understand the situation. Yes, really cute.
"It's very nice to meet you Lillianna." Suga walked over to greet her. She didn't respond, actually she hasn't said a single thing since she came in.

Lillianna's POV

Shoyo's arms were wrapped around my head as he leaned over me, I didn't move at all. One of the senpai walked over to me and introduced himself. A Sugawara-senpai seemed to be someone who I could get along with. I nodded to him and looked up at Shoyo who was now standing next to me looking down at me. He was trying to analyze what I was thinking, but I wasn't giving him any signs so he was just confused. I smiled at him, this smile told him that I'm okay. He smiled in response and just yelled,
"Kageyama! Set for me!" Shoyo ran over to the setter who was serving, Kageyama looked over at Shoyo and noticed me standing by the gym door.
"Hi Annie" Kageyama always made a point to be nicer to me than he was to Shoyo, although he still kept his monotone, emotionless voice and face. I knew Kageyama because he had been to our house before to pick up Shoyo, he came over for dinner once too. I smiled and waved before sitting down against the wall. I let out a breath I had been holding in, meeting new people had always been scary but these people seemed a bit different.

3rd POV

The team almost wasn't shocked when Kageyama had known Shoyo's sister, as he and Shoyo were really close. But they still stood shocked for a few seconds before Tanaka went on a rampage about how cute Lillianna's nickname was. Once everyone died down, everyone was calling  her Annie.

Suga and Asahi went up to Annie,
"Do you play volleyball?" Suga asked kindly, Annie nodded as she looked up to see him. He smiled, "What position?"

Asahi's POV

Annie seemed to panic after Suga had asked that question. I'm not sure why but she kept looking over at Hinata, she seemed really nervous.

Lillianna's POV

I froze. Shoyo isn't looking. What do I do? Sign, I'll sign my response.
"I play L I B E R O" I answered in sign. They both looked at me confused, I tried to think of what to do next but I didn't have a clue how to tell them that I don't talk, or that my position is libero. Heat rose up my face, and I felt tears beginning to swell in my eyes. I stood up, and ran to hide in the closest room that didn't have any people in it.

3rd POV

Annie was crouched in the back corner of the storage room having difficulty breathing, she really wanted to warm up to these people but it was just so hard. Suga went over to Hinata to ask what was up with Annie,
"Why doesn't she talk?"

1173 words

Thank you for reading the first part of my story, please let me know if it was too short or too long. The next part will already be posted. Please give me feedback I'd love to know what you think! Thank you!☺️💕💕

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