my jockstrap isn't empty

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Lillianna's POV

"Annie!" I jumped as Asahi's voice interrupted Kiyoko's irritated small talk. I turned my head to him before I turned the rest of my body. I gave him a big smile and he continued, "Um, so...I-uh" he gulped. What is he so nervous for? "I don't want there to be any confusion, so..." He then took a deep breath "I-"

"What are you guys talking about?" Shoyo had dragged Kageyama along with him as he came up to Asahi and I. 

"I can give you more details when we are home" I signed to Shoyo, "He is trying to tell me something give the man space for a bit"

"What why!? I wanna know now!" Shoyo whined.

"later." I signed and shot him a glare, Shoyo knew this look and knew to be quiet. I then relaxed my expression, I used a soft smile and glanced at Asahi quickly before turning my eyes back to Shoyo. Shoyo's face was struck with realization as his eyes darted back and forth between me and Asahi. At this point, he probably knows that I want him to let me speak with Asahi alone.

"Ooh~ okay~" Shoyo smirked and turned on his heel, he grabbed Kageyama's hand in his and walked back to the court they were practicing on before all the commotion started. I turned back to Asahi and all the color in his face had drained. What could he possibly be so scared of? I stepped a little bit closer to Asahi and tapped his arm, he looked down at me and some of the colors began to come back. I cocked my head to the side a little, notifying him that I was confused. 

"Yes so um, I- uh I-I want to t-to tell you that I like you and that I want you to be my girlfriend. I just wanted that to be clear. So um, can I be your boyfriend?" His facial expression went from worried to a soft smile that sent a warm, fuzzy, butterfly feeling through my whole body. My heart is beating so fast. My face is heating up too. Yes. I want to say yes. Please, I want to say yes. Out loud. I opened my mouth to speak, but once again nothing was coming out. So for now, I nodded and smiled. A small tear escaped my eye, I wonder what it's for. Is it because I'm happy? or because I couldn't say what I needed to say, I couldn't speak when I wanted to? I don't know, but right now the whole team is staring at me and Asahi. 

My smile must've faded and become something else because Asahi had grabbed my hand and yelled,

"SEE! MY JOCKSTRAP ISN'T EMPTY! I DID IT!" he looked at and laughed a little. Everyone in the gym seemed a bit shocked. Then Kiyoko started laughing,

"Oh boy, he said it." Her laughs subsided a bit she held an arm over her belly and the other hand wiped a tear from her eye. "Well that's settled, so go on. Get out of here." She shooed us away. I have no idea where any of this is coming from. Asahi leaned down to my ear and whispered...

"Let's go" Asahi held my hand as he walked us towards the door to the gym. Without letting go of my hand he pulled my bag off of me, "I'll hold it for you." then he grabbed his water and pulled us out of the gym. He closed the door behind him and we walked towards the club room. When we got there I realized that the whole time he hadn't let go of my hand. He stopped and looked at me for a second. "I don't want to let go of you. I feel like if I let go and take my eyes off of you, you'll disappear and it'll all have been a dream" His eyes seemed a little sad. I took my other hand and placed it over our hands, then I looked up at him and smiled. "Okay, I'll go change. But don't leave." I giggled and let go of his hand. he walked into the club room and I stood outside. Wow. That happened. I have a boyfriend now, and his name is Asahi Azumane. 

Asahi soon walked out of the club room and smiled at me,

"Ready to go?" he asked. 

"Where are we going?" I signed

Asahi's POV

She just signed something, I'm not entirely sure what it means. I've been trying to learn some sign language so I can communicate with her better, but I still don't always know what she's trying to say. 

"Could you repeat that slower maybe?" then she nodded,

"Where are we going" she signed a bit slower. Oh, I think I got it.

"You asked where we're going right?" I asked, she nodded in response. "I was thinking of walking around a bit and maybe stopping at the coffee shop around the block, is that okay?" Her smile grew wider, "Practice should be over by then, so I can bring you back here and you can walk home with Hinata." 

"Date" she signed. 

"Yes, a date" I chuckled, I guess I have to be really clear with her.  She smiled and wrapped both of her arms around my right arm, hugging it tightly. "Our first date."

887 words 

So this chapter is early and a bit short but I really didn't want to leave people in suspense or anything like that. So here you go! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Please leave comments and suggestions I love reading them!💕💕💕💕💕

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