hair tie

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Lillianna's POV

At practice after school, I was still thinking about what had happened that morning. I had spoken out loud to someone, and that person wasn't Shoyo or Natsu. It was Asahi. It had been 4 years since I had spoken a word to anyone but Shoyo or Natsu. Then suddenly a boy I've only known for a couple of days breaks down my walls.

"Annie, could you please hold this hair tie for me?" Yachi's voice woke me from my thoughts. She was braiding Kiyoko's hair while the team practiced. I reached over and grabbed the hair tie she spoke of. She had about eight strands of Kiyoko's hair separated, each held in between her fingers. By the time Yachi was done with Kiyoko's hair, the rest of the team was taking a break. Tanaka and Noya were marveling at Yachi's work, and openly expressing their love for Kiyoko. Asahi was walking over, his hair is pretty long. I wonder if he'll let me braid his hair. It'd be really cute, I'll just do a French braid.  He'll look so good, and it's modest. His hair won't be flying everywhere and he'll look great.

Asahi's POV

My hair tie broke during practice, the girls at braiding each other's hair. Maybe I should ask if they have an extra hair tie. I walked over, Noya and Tanaka were proclaiming their love for Kiyoko as usual. Annie. Annie is just standing observing everyone. Annie turned her head towards me, she's smiling?

3rd POV

Annie trotted over to Shoyo and tugged on his arm, he turned to her and raised his eyebrows in question.
"Can you ask Asahi if I can braid his hair?" Annie had signed her question. Shoyo laughed,
"Ooh okay, sure," Shoyo smirked and elbowed Annie's arm. Annie smacked his arm lightly and gave him a look that said oh shut up. They ran over to Asahi,
"Hey Asahi, can Annie braid your hair?"
"Huh? I-uh, Y-YES." Asahi cleared his throat, "I was actually just going to a-ask for a hair tie actually."

Lillianna's POV

I leaped forward and grabbed Asahi's hand in both of mine. I pulled him over to the foldable chair that was set up a few feet away. I motioned for him to sit down, I smiled at him. He was stumbling along behind me, he's so cute.

Asahi's POV

She's so cute.

Lillianna's POV

He sat down and rested his hands in his lap. I ran my fingers through his hair before I began. His hair is a little tangled, but it's really clean and well maintained. I sectioned off his hair and began braiding. I wish his hair was longer so this would last longer, he's just so gwaah. He makes me feel so gaaaah.

Asahi's POV

I don't know what she was doing, but it felt good. It was so relaxing having her right next to me, I could feel her hands as they moved across my head. She was so gentle, she never hurt me. Now and then I'd feel her hand brush against my neck, and every time I thought, I want this to last forever.

When she was done she tapped my shoulder and stepped around the chair. She stood in front of me and smiled. She pulled out her phone and took a picture, her smile grew wider when she looked at the photo. She then turned the screen to me. I couldn't really see the braid, because she took the photo from the front but she looked so cute I couldn't tell her.
"Thank you, Annie," I thanked her, "I'd like you to braid my hair more often," I said. Almost instantly she jumped up in the air and smiled even brighter. She nodded her head a couple of times before,

3rd POV

Asahi had stood up when he thanked Annie. Annie was jumping around just a few feet from Asahi. I'm Annie's excitement, she jumped up and threw herself onto Asahi. He caught her, but he couldn't process what was happening. Annie's arms were wrapped around Asahi's neck, and Asahi's hands were placed at her waist.

Asahi's POV

She's so tiny and so light. Wait. I'm holding her in my arms. I can't pass up this opportunity.
"UM! CAN I HAVE YOUR NUMBER?" Oh no, I yelled that. Everyone was looking at us. Her hands were now resting on my shoulders, and my arms around her waist, holding her up off the ground. I could hold you here and never put you down. She pushed herself back a bit so I could look her in the eyes, and she smiled. Then she pulled herself back to me and squeezed tighter.
"yes" her tiny voice responded. I can only assume that my face was beet red, but hers was too. Oh shit, everyone's still staring.
"Damn. Asahi got game!" Daichi yelled from the back of the gym, Suga was snickering from behind him. Suga's arm was rested on Daichi's shoulder and the other holding his knee, as he was doubled over laughing. Almost instantly my arms pulled Annie off of me, and I found myself just holding her. In the air. Out in front of me. Her face was red, and her eyes were confused. Her little hands trying to hold herself up on my forearms.

Lillianna's POV

Why did I jump onto him? I mean I want to do it again, but now he's just holding me out in front of him. I don't mind him holding me, but I'm really high up and I have a skirt on. My hands rested on his arms, I wanted to ask him to put me down because I was nervous, but I didn't know how. I squeezed his arms. Woah, muscles. He looked back at me and must've seen my panic. He placed me back down and pulled my head into his body. My, head nestled into him. I like this spot. I placed my arms around him and hugged him tightly. Is he trying to hide my blush? What is he doing?

Asahi's POV

I pulled her to me because I didn't want to stop touching her. I wanted to feel her next to me for longer. But most of all, she was so flustered. I didn't think she'd want anyone to see her face like that, even though she's beautiful despite any face she makes. That was a lie, I don't think she had a problem with people seeing her like that, it was me. I want that face all for myself. Only I get to see that, and I want to see every face she's capable of making. Her face nuzzled into me, I can't get enough.

1125 words

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