on the roof pt. 2

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Asahi's POV

"o-ok" my voice cracked. All the confidence I had when I first asked her is completely gone now, and now she's sitting in front of me, waiting, with her eyes closed. Oh, I can't do it! What if I'm a bad kisser? What if she doesn't want to kiss me again if I'm bad at it? Oh man, oh man, what do I do? My thoughts were cut short as her soft lips connected with mine. Oh wow. It was short, but the feeling of her lips on mine sent a wave of electricity throughout my body. That sensation lingered even as she pulled away and smiled. "Wow." oops I said that out loud. She giggled a little and after that, my body moved on its own. My hands reached up to her cheeks and I held her face in my hands.

"I'd like to do that again, is that okay?" I asked, my lips already centimeters away from brushing against hers again. She leaned into my hands, my touch, and then nodded slightly, her smile never fading. As soon as I had permission, I pulled myself down to her and connected our lips for the second time. This kiss lasted longer than the previous one, and Annie lifted her hands from her lap and placed them on my shoulders. She leaned further into my lips, and she pushed herself closer to my body. I had no complaints. After a bit, we pulled our faces away. Annie opened her eyes, she looked down at the ground and her hand lifted to caress her lips. She looked back up to me and smiled lightly behind her hand, her blush still overtaking her complexion.

"You took my first kisses Asahi" Her voice was soft, yet still the most present sound to be heard within miles.

"I'm your first kiss?" I asked, a little shocked. How did such a cute girl go almost sixteen years without ever kissing someone? She nodded and blushed a little deeper. "In that case, can I take even more of them?"

346 words

Ok so I'm super sorry it took me forever to post this, school is whack. Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! This was the first thing I've ever written and I was super embarrassed of it but I'm really happy that people read it and actually enjoyed it so thank you! I love you all!💕💕💕💕

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