Favorite Teen Wolf Quote

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Scott- He is a obsessive
Who both desires you
And is threatened by you
If the obsessive can't have the object of his desire
He'll choose to destroy it instead
You'll become willingly
Or he'll make a killer out of you
Destroying your potential
To be a true alpha
Stiles- If your drowning
and you trying to keep your mouth closed till that very last moment
What if you choose to not open your mouth
To not let the water in
If you hold off till the reflex kicks in
You have more time
(Not much time)
But more time to fight your way to the surface
More time to be rescued
(More time to be in agonizing pain the part were your head feels like it's exploding)
If it's about survival
Isn't a little agony worth it
(What if it just gets worse? What if it's agony now? And it's just hell later on?)
If your going through hell
Keep going
Derek- Your letting go of all the anger
Self loaded hatred that comes with complete failure
I may be the one taking the beating
But you have already been beaten
So go ahead and hit me
Isaac- You fall in love more than once It'll happen again
And it'll be just as amazing and extraordinary as the first time
And maybe just as painful
But it'll happen again
But until then be your own anchor
Liam- A pack is the strongest
due to its individual parts
The stronger the individual part
The greater the whole
You take the greater individual parts
And you become a great whole

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