How You Meet

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Scott- You were the new girl in Beacon Hills High School. You got to your locker when a cute boy with dark hair and deep eyes came up to you. He smiled at you and asked, "You're the new girl right?" You smiled and nodded your head, yes. "I'm Scott, maybe I can show you around." He said and you agreed showing him your schedule he showed you where the classes were and you found out you had a lot of classes together.
Stiles- You were going to the red box on side of your local gas station. When you got there you where waiting in line behind two other people. When the one I front of you asked what you were getting. "Um, I'm getting the batman movie." You smiled at him and his brown eyes sparkled at you. "Me, too!" He childishly said and you laughed. "My names Stiles by the way." He said smiling at you once more. "Y/n." You smiled back, "Will I see you around?" He asked. " Yeah, I just moved to this school."
Derek- You were running through the woods blaring your music. When you bumped into a hard body almost knocking you over. "Ohmygosh, I'msosorry!" You stumbled out. The body you bumped into was solid and firm... When you looked up at him he had perfect jet black hair and beautiful brown eyes. "It's all good." He said pulling you back to your feet. "Well, um...I better um get um going." You stuttered and started to go around him. "I'll see you around?" He smiled at me. " Yeah, I just life up the road." I smiled back. "Good, maybe we could go out one day?" He questioned. "Sounds great." I said before turning and heading the other way.
Isaac- You were at your friend, Danny, party and you were dancing when you saw someone looking at you. He was tall with curly blonde hair and green eyes. He was staring at you and you blushed and looked away. When you looked back you was smirking at you, so you decided to walk over and grab a drink. He was leaning against the door frame beside the drinks. He was watching your every move and when Danny came over to how you were. He caught you looking at him and he poked you, and winked. As you were walking away the boy hollered to you "hey, do you want to dance?" He asked. You smiled and nodded your head. he grabbed your hand and lead you to the dance floor. "I'm Isaac." he said putting his hands on your waist. "Y/n" you replied putting your arms around his neck, and you had a full conversation the rest of the night.
Liam- As you were opening your locker you noticed a cute new boy at the other end of the hall and he was looking at you. You smiled and continued to pull out your book as you shut your locker and turned around your books were knocked out of your arms. "!" A boy's voice said as he bent down to help you pick your books up your heads collided. "I'm so sorry." he said. You couldn't help but laugh as you saw it was the cute new boy. "It's okay." You said still laughing and he started to laugh to. You couldn't help but notice his adorable smile and beautiful blue eyes. "I'm Liam, the new kid that keeps making a fool out of myself." He joked around. "No, it's okay." You said standing up with your books. "Thank you helping me pick up my books." You said smiling at your stupid comment. "Well, I'm glad I ran into you." He said scratching his neck and you could tell he was nerves. "Well, I'll see you around." I said walking off.

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