Victoria Secret Shopping

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Scott- You were looking at matching bras and panties but you couldn't decide. "Scott which one should I get?" You asked looking at your embarrassed boyfriend. "I don't know that one," he pointed to a purple bra and purple panties (I love saying that word😂). You picked out your size and went towards the dressing room, and Scott was right behind you. "Why are you following me?" You smirked. "I'm not staying out here alone!" He said as he saw all the girls with starring eyes on him. "Oh c'mon big alpha werewolf can't take being out in public at Victoria Secret." You joked kissing him before trying on your set.
Stiles- "Stiles! Stop your embarrassing me!" You say as he keeps holding raw up to his chest and smelling the panties. He keeps running around like a little kid saying, "oh y/n this would look sexy on you?" He holds up a pink thong and smirks at you. "Okay! Stiles you can pick out a pair." You say trying to get his to quiet down. He threw the thong at you telling you to keep it. Then, he walks around and finds the pink match push up bra that is laced around the sides and throws that at you. "Omg you will look so freicking hot!" He says and you go to pay for it while he tags along.
Derek- You stop in front of Victoria Secret and look at Derek as he groans. You squeal and tug him. "No." He says in his grumpy tone. "Please. Please. Please. Pleeeaaasssseee!" You begged kissing his cheek smiling innocently. "No." He turns around to walk away. "I guess I'll get the cute guy over there to help me." You say grinning and spinning on your heels. "Fine, we're going in" he says grabbing your arm and pulling you in the store. You smile knowing he's jealous and you'll pay for it tonight.
Isaac- "Ohhhh, babe please!" Isaac whines as he holds up a matching bra and pantie set and gives you the puppy eyes. "Why?" You ask as it is so well 'sluty'. "Because it'll make you look hot and I'm the only one who will see you in it!" He winked at you. "Fine but I need one more." You say looking at your size. "Ohhh what about these!" He points the push up bras. You roll your eyes 'typical guy' you thought grabbing the ones he wanted. He giggled like a little kid and kissed you and even paying for them.
Liam- "What about this one?" You asked your boyfriend. "Yeah." He answered for the tenth time. "Or this one?" You showed a black bra. "Sure." He replied. "Liam, I need help!" You say pinching his cheeks. "I hate this store!" He says hiding his face. "What about this one?" You ask and hold up a pair of showing bra and panties. His eyes widened and nodded yes. "Okay, come help me try the one," you smiled a d he pulled you into the dressing room. And he said 'he hated this store' 😏

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