How He Hugs You

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Scott- He'll wrap you in a tight bear hug. Just to make you tap out to know he'll always be close to you. 😉
Stiles- He's the goofy one so he'll pull you off your feet and spin you around until you get sick. Lol
Derek- He's the protective type of guy so he'll always hold you close and whisper sweet nothings in your ear so you know that no one loves you more than your grumpy old sourwolf.
Isaac- He'll put his hands right above your butt so if it gets heated all he has to do is slide his hand down a little to grab the money maker. 😝
Liam- He loves to hug you from behind, because then he can rest his head on your shoulder and sometimes kiss your neck and whisper dirty things that you didn't know he even knew.

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