He Hits You (Makeup)

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Scott- The one person you thought would never hurt you just slapped you. You had tears running from your eyes and the radio blaring. You couldn't drive anymore your vision was blurry so you pulled over. You turned the radio down and sobbed for what felt like hours. There was a knock on your window so you looked up and there stood Scott. "Y/n open up please." His eyes looked sad as a tear slid down his face. You cracked your window to hear him better. "All the way please." He shakingly asked so you did but didn't look at him. "Y/n, I'm so sorry I don't know what took over me. I love you and I really wouldn't want to hurt you." He cried. "But you did." You whispered. "I know and I regret every moment, y/n please look at me." You turned your head and saw the sadness in his eyes. You opened up the car door and got out and wrapped your arms around his neck. You cried into his shoulder, "So do you forgive me?" He asked. You shook your head yeah and he drove you home.
Stiles- When you got home you ran upstairs avoiding your parents and cried your heart out. There was a knock on the door but you didn't answer. Then you heard it again and you got angry, "Go away!" You yelled. Then, the door opened and there stood Stiles. "What do you want Stiles" you asked bitterly. his eyes were puffy and red from crying and his nose was red and running. "Y/n I'm so so so sorry! I'm a complete asshole for missing our anniversary, HITTING YOU, and hurting you. I would hate me to but I want you to know I love you. You mean the world to me and I can't live without you so I need you to forgive me or I'll die with out you!" He started to cry again you got up and whipped his tear away and kissed his lips. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry!" He cried. "Shhhh. I'm over it" You say and smile at him. "I love you too."
Derek- When you got to your drive way Derek was there waiting for you, damn werewolf speed! "Y/n!" He calls but you ignore him you run for the door. He grabs your arm and pulls you back to him. "Let go of me!" You yell probably so your neighbors could hear. "Y/n I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me. I shouldn't have beat up your friends, and I really shouldn't have hit you. I'm sorry please!" He looked at you sadly. You never really heard Derek say sorry or look this sad so you kissed him wrapping your arms around his neck, and whispered "I forgive you."
Isaac- Isaac called and left like a hundred texts. He left voicemails and tried to get Scott to call you. You finally just turned your phone off and threw it on the floor. You heard something hit your window, then again, and again. You walked over to it and a rock hit your window and there stood Isaac out in the rain crying. You opened your window and called, "Go home Isaac!" "No I need you to listen! I love you y/n! I will wait out here all night if I have to, but I shouldn't have hit you and I think I hit myself ten times harder in the heart. Please just let me make it up to you!" He cried out to you getting on his knees. You giggled at how cute he was and a tear slid down your cheek and you agreed to give him a second chance.
Liam- "Y/n wait! Please!" Liam calls as you run towards the doors. He grabs you and pushes you against the wall. "Let me go!" You scream and kick as he holds you there. "Y/n please," you stop as tears fall from your eyes. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me. I need you y/n, you are my anchor, my love, my everything. You're my first girlfriend ever and I can't lose you like this, I can't lose you ever. It would hurt to much. I need you so much I love you!" His tear falls and you smile at how sweet it was even thought he just slapped you a minute ago. You placed your lips on his and said, "I need you to and I love you." He let go of his grip and you hugged him.

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