What His Parents Think Of You

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Scott- Mama MaCall loves you, you're always making Scott happy and you always take time to talk with Mama.
His father doesn't know you that well, but he knows your have good grades so he's cool with you.
Stiles- Since he doesn't have a 'mom mom' Mama MaCall counts, and she loves when you laugh at Stiles stupid jokes.
Sheriff Stilinski loves how you can talk to him and you feel like he's your father and your his daughter.
Derek- He doesn't have parents anymore, but Peter is his uncle and he doesn't like how Derek is all soft around you.
Isaac- He doesn't talk about his mom, but Mama MaCall is always there for him and she loves how when ever he talks about you he's happy.
His dad never met you so you wouldn't know. Since, he was killed by Jackson!
Liam- His mom never really met you.
But his step father loves how you go to every lacrosse game and cheer for him, and how every time Liam gets angry all you have to do is say your name, and he's happy again.

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