Break Up: Part 2

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Isaac- "You never spent time with me anymore!" You said as your boyfriend was about to leave to help Scott again. "That's because I have more important things to do! He said and you started to cry. "No that's what I meant-" you cut him off, "I know what you meant. I'm not good enough for you, I'm a distraction, and I'm a waste of time!" You screamed. "No-" he started. "Well, then you can spent the rest of your life without me!" You said running out of the room to lock yourself in the bathroom. "Y/n please come out." Isaac pleaded from outside. "Leave me alone." You whispered. "Please," he begged, "GO AWAY!" You screamed and soon you heard foot steps and a slam of the door downstairs. You cried in there for hours and when you had a really bad headache you just went to sleep and felt your broken heart beat slower every memory you could think of with you and Isaac.
Liam- It was Liam's last lacrosse game of the year and when it came to 5 seconds on the clock and Liam had the ball. He took a swing and the ball went right in the corner of the goal. The bell rang which meant Beacon Hills won, which meant your boyfriend would be happy. You saw Violet run on the field and not towards Garret, towards Liam and Garret and I met up and we looked at each other. Then, Violet ran in Liam's arms and she and him shared a kiss. Garret and I looked at them and soon Liam looked over at me. "Y/n it's not what it looks like!" Liam said and you ran away from him. He caught up to you grabbing on to your wrist hard. "Let go of me!" You screamed making people look at you. He let go and you rubbed your wrist. "I'm so sorry!" He said his eyes were yellow and then they turned back to normal. "Don't ever talk to me again." You said jumping into Stiles car where you cried until you got home when he dropped you off. "I'm sorry y/n." stiles said hurt. "It's not your fault." You replied walking up to your room where you fell asleep crying.

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