Scott Imagine (bubly_)

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You and Scott have known each other for awhile now. You guys were best friends since you moved to Beacon Hills. But you never told him you were a werewolf. You were scared of what he would think.
So, tonight was the big Senior Gathering, and Stiles insisted you be there. You were on your way to school when you got into a big traffic jam. You didn't know if you were going to make it. You tried to call Scott but all the cell phone service was lost. You didn't know what to do until you heard a motor coming through the crowd. You opened your window to find a soaking wet Scott on his motor cycle. The rain was pour down on you when you jumped out of the car and kissed him in the rain. Your lips moved in sync as you both were now soaked. "You ready?" He asked as you jumped on the back of his bike and waved bye to your parents. "Born ready." You kissed his lips and he started his bike. You guys rode for what felt like hours in the rain to the school. When you got their Scott led you to the outside stairway. You pushed him against the wall as you made out. He slowly slid his hands on your butt. He gently squeezed making a light moan escape your mouth, but you soon heard a growl. You looked up disconnecting your lips and saw a figure. It soon came into sight and was a werewolf two times the size of Scott. "Y/n get back!" He growled. "Scott-" you were cut off by him pushing you against the wall as the other werewolf charged at Scott. Scott formed into his red eyed true alpha werewolf. The other guy had dark black blood covering his body with glowing blue claws. He slammed Scott to the ground and growled real low. But when You realized what happened you were the one who growled. You were transformed into a yellow eyed beta. Scott looked up and so did the other guy. He growled at you and you took a leap at him. You scratched his face making him take a step back. He went you claw you but you did a summer salt in mid air and pulled him to w ground with your legs. At this point Scott was up and by your side. Then the guy dug his claws into Scott and kicked you in the rips. Making you fly to the ground in pain. Then came Liam, Malia, Kira, and Stiles but they were to late. Scott's eyes went to normal as he grunted in pain. Liam flashed his teeth and Malia was ready to kill. But Scott stood up and his eyes were a brighter red than before and he twisted his arm. You could here the crack of his arm being brocken. "Now I don't know who you are or what you came here for. But I'll give you a can either stay and I'll break another bone. Or you can run!" He pulled the claws out of his chest. The guy looked at us and stopped at Stiles. "I would run!" Stiles suggested making everyone smile. The guy stood up and ran away as fast as he could. Scott ran over to you and pulled you into a hug. "You're not mad?" You asked pulling away slightly. "Of course not! I think it's hot!" He kissed you making you smile that he finally knew and you knew about him to. "One more thing?" He paused and you looked at him. "Would you wanna be in my pack?" You smiled and nodded your head yes reconnecting your lips.

Sorry that sucked I didn't know what to do! I would have put Theo in it but I can't stand him!

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