Brett Imagine

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Scott pulled us all in to his house to help stop the Doctors. He even asked Theo and Brett into help. You were all around Scott's kitchen table looking at some maps of stuff that you didn't care about. You kept seeing Brett look at you, and you had to admit he was pretty hot! "Brett... Brett!" Stiles yelled. "Huh, what?" "Can you go downstairs and get some drinks?" Stiles smirked at him. "Oh y/n can you help him?" Stiles smirked at you. You went to the basement with Brett behind you. Once, you got to the bottom of the stairs the door was slammed shut and locked. "Hey Brett why don't you just tell her how you feel? When, you guys do I'll let you out!" Stiles laughed and Brett looked shocked and nervous at the same time. We stood there for a few seconds before stiles called out again. "I don't fear any talking!" Brett looked at me and smiled. "Um..." Brett starched the back of his head. "So, what did Stiles mean by how you feel?" I smiled nervously. "Um I don't real-" he stopped mid-sentence. "Fuck it... I like you! You're beautiful, you're tough, smart, bad ass, and perfect. I really really like you!" He said looking in your eyes. "Really? I like you too." You smiled. "Well, then I guess I can do this." He said before cupping your face between his hands and smashing his lips on yours. He pulled away and smiled at you... You smashed your lips on his again. This time going further into the kiss making it heated and turning you on. Suddenly the door opened and Stiles appeared. "Easy enough wasn't it guys!" He said and Brett and I pulled away blushing a bit. You guys went up the stairs and were. You got to the top of the stairs and Brett leaned into your ear and whispered. "I can smell you." He smirked making you push him away from you. You guys got to the table and Liam looked at you guys. "Where are the drinks?" He asked looking at Brett then you. "Oh um..." You studdered not knowing what to say. "Ha I got you!" Liam laughed and pulled out a water bottle from under the table. Making Brett smile and kiss your cheek while holding your hand.

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