Make Up: Part 1

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Scott- You heard a slight knock on the door, "go away mom" you chocked out. Soon, the door opened and there revealed Scott. "Go away Scott," was all you could say, you were empty of tears and your throat hurt from screaming. "Please let me explain." He said touching your shoulder. You flinched but shook your head 'fine'. "I swear I didn't kiss her. She said that 'she liked me and that I deserved her over you'. And I told her that 'I loved you', and after that she said 'we'll see how much you love her spatter this'" he said making a little kids voice when he was talking for Kira which made you smile a little. "Then she kissed me, but y/n I love you and I only want to be with you!" He said smashing his lips to yours and you kissed back instantly.
Stiles- You were so heart broken about Stiles cheating on you that you didn't go to school all week, your parents thought you were sick because you would make yourself throw up. Stiles tried calling you 50 times and when he actually reached 80 times he stopped. Scott came to visit you today though, "ok so I heard Stiles side of the story I want to hear yours," He said. "I don't care." You said ignoring him. "Stiles didn't mean to hurt you. He said. "He should have thought about that before he cheated on me with Malia!" I screamed. "Actually it was all a mistake, see Stiles dumped his water on himself so he took off his shirt to goo get a new one. When, he turned around Malia was there. She said something like kiss me and Stiles said no that he likes you, and she pulled him into her and kissed him right when you came in. Stiles didn't know what to say I mean come on in movies they always say it's not what it looks like and shit like that. And he just jumbled out some words, he's really hurt and he didn't mean to hurt you." you didn't know what to say it was a lot to take in. But you stood up real fast not caring what you looked like ran to Stiles house and jumped on him kissing him. "I quests that means you forgive me?" You replied yes by putting your lips on his again.
Derek- "He called you a slut?" Scott asked. "Yeah and then he aid he didn't mean it, but I don't know I really liked him." You said upset that it was over. "You liked a grumpy bump on a log that called you a slut?" Scott asked. "Yeah." You said smiling at his words. "Okay. I'll go talk to him." Scott stood up. "No! You can't!" You said grabbing his leg. "Why not?" He asked. "He might not feel the same." You said. "I mean he called me a slut and I don't really think that he likes me then." I said frowning. "Dude, it's Derek he was never soft for anyone but you!" Scott said leaving. "Oh shit." You thought. "So, you still like me?" You heard Derek's voice from behind me. "Ohshit, ohshit, ohhhshit." You whispered to yourself. "You called me a slut," you whimpered. "I know it's not true it's just the first word that I could think of." He paused. "That sounded wrong, I mean like you know how-" you cut him off by kissing him long and passionate. "I don't care anymore!" You said reconnecting your lips.

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