Brett Preferences

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How you meet- You were on your morning walk when it started to pour down rain. You were maybe a mile away from home and your eyes were getting blurry with the rain dropping. You didn't know what to do and soon a car pulled up and opened it window. "Need a ride?" A cute boy asked, you were desperate to get a ride so you agreed. He grabbed a towel from the back and handed it to you. "Thank you so much!" You say and dry your self off. "No problem."
How he asked you out- Brett pulled up to your house after it started raining and before you got out he stopped you. "Are you from here?" He asked. "Um I just moved here." You smiled. "Maybe one day I'll catch you around, or can I ask you to grab coffee with me one day?" He flashed his perfect smile. "Yeah sounds great!" You said. "Oh can I get your number then?" You gave him your number and you got out and went inside.
First date- Brett texted you and you agreed to go grab coffee with him at 10 so you straightened your hair and put on leggings and a cute sweater. You put on your boots (fuzzy boots😊) and walked out side when you heard Brett honk the horn. You walked to his car and you guys talked the whole way to the coffee shop. You guys talked and shared different storied about each other.
How he asked you to be his girlfriend- So you Brett went on like ten dates already and you have like all your classes together and he is always with you. "So y/n I was thinking, and you know we've been friends for a while now. I was thinking how much I really like you, and I want ask if you would want to be my girlfriend?" He blushed and you smiled at him. "I'd love to be your girlfriend!" You smile and hug him and he wraps you in his famous Bear hugs.
First Kiss- You watching your boyfriend practice lacrosse and he was getting tired so you walked up behind him and kissed his cheek. He turned around and smashed his lips to yours. It shocked you at how aggressive it was but you liked it. You kissed back jumping up and wrapping your legs around his waist. He put his hands on your ass to hold you up, and when you pulled away you placed your forehead on his. Your first kissed was more than perfect and you couldn't stop smiling.
Contact names- His name in your phone: Bratty Brett
Your name in his phone: Baby Cakes
How you hug- You jump up and wrap your legs around his waist and he puts his hands wherever he feels like it.
Clothing you steal- You love to wear his under armour shirts.
Favorite place to kiss you- Neck
Thought when he first saw you- Damn she's hot I'm going to pick her up
Thought when you first saw him- Oh my gosh he offered to drive me home
How you cuddle- He lays with his head in between your legs so you so play with his hair and he'll play with your shorts.
When you're on your period- He buys a lot of Advil and lots of candy, then you watch Netflix while being wrapped in each others arms.
What you are- Human
Phone wallpaper- His: Is of you on his back as he's spinning around.
Yours: Is of him and you kissing.
You find out about werewolves- You were with Brett and of course it was the night of the full moon. You were on the couch and you were on top of him making out. All of a sudden he stopped he sat up and he flipped over and got up. "Y/n you need to get out!" He growled. "What? Are you okay? Brett?" You were worried at his sudden behavior. he looks at you and his eyes glow a bright yellow you corporeal your mouth as he grows claws and his face grows hair and is deformed. You don't know what to say or do but stare. He breathes heavily and soon turns back. "Y/n I can explain." He says. "Please do." You say shocked. "I'm- um well a werewolf." He says scared of your reaction. "Really?" You ask and you kiss him happy to have such a bad ass, hot, werewolf boyfriend.
What he gets you for your birthday- A necklace with a heart and a demand in the middle and a box of chocolate.
He walks in on you changing- You were getting ready for your date with Brett just pulled your shirt off and Brett walked in. "Daaaammn!" He checks you out. "Brett get out." You groan at your perverted boyfriend. "Fiiiinne." He whines and you laugh at his childness.
Goodnight text- Sweet dreams baby cakes! I'll be thinking of you all night!😘
Morning text- Hope you had a good night sleep! I was thinking of you all night.

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