part 15

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one day when everyone I love is gone what happens then. do I move on or stay wanting them back. people say never give up on your dreams. ha its harder than that when everyone pushes you down stay strong that's deep its hard when you've lost everything you loved. every day is a struggle for people with depression or a disability but here I am always feeling sorry for myself when I have it all. an amazing boyfriend amazing friends a roof over my head and most Importantly, people who care. I woke up this morning by my mum saying she has to leave early. I rung up harry and 5 minuets he is here with me singing

"and I'm still waiting, waiting, waitig on the world to change," I sung as I git dressed for school.

"why are you so happy?" asked harry. I poked my tounge at him

"cuz we have SCHOOOLLL!" I shouted. he rolled his eyes and muttered something like school schmool.

harry came to my place to get ready with me cuz my mum left early. I turned up the radio as they don't know about us came on (a/n MY FAVE SONG MWHAHA). harry grabbed a hair brush and started singing into it.

"people say we shouldn't be together to young to know about for ever I say they don't know what they talk talk talkin about," I sung and jumped at the same time.

"cuz this love is only getting strong I don't wanna wait any longer I just wanna tell they world that your mine girl," harry sung in perfect pitch. and we belted out the chores together just before we heard a car toot and than a crash. I looked at harry.

"shit!" I yelled. I ran out of the house to see Ashleighs car crashed out side.

"oh my god." I whispered as I ran towards the reck.

"ASHLEIGH ASHLEIGH CAN YOU HEAR ME!" I shouted as I dug threw the wreckage.

"harry call a ambulance now," I screamed to him.

" cas what's happening ?" Lara asked.

"ASHLEIGHS IN THERE HELP ME WE GOTTA GET HER OUT BOYS HELP ME!" I yelled at everyone. by now the hole street was here most watching and not helping. all the boys were digging I could hear nialls sobs. suddenly I felt something soft.

"guys I got her!" I yelled everyone races over here just as the ambulance pulled up.

"its ok ash its ok we are all here just breath and get your heart beating we all love you stay stay," I finally let my sobs out as they took her away with blood every where. niall rod in tje ambulance with her and harry drove me to the hospital. I rung up mine and ashleighs mum.

"hey mum........ ash..... ash ......ash ," I broke into sobs as harrys arm embraced me

"cas, what happen to ash?" my mum asked.

"she... she....," I couldn't do it. harry took the phone.

"hello ma'am its harry," he started.

"Ashleigh was in as car crash a few moments ago so I am now driving cas there............. yes I will keep you I'm formed..... ok it was nice talk to you to bye," harry said as he hung up the phone. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I hope she is ok harry ," I whispered

"she will be fine it will be ok ," he cooed.

when we arrive at the hospital we had to wait I'm the waiting room for a while. niall sat with his head in his hands and he refused every piece of food that people offered him.

"Ashleigh parker?" someone asked all of our heads perked up to see of she was ok.

" yes, is she ok can we go sew her?" niall rushed. I ran to his side.

"she is alright but is unconscious. she has three broken ribs and a fractured leg and some deep cuts to her face and she also had miscarriage," the nurse started.

"a misarage?" I asked I looked at niall.

"but that's impossible we alway used protection," niall said.

"what about at that party niall?" I asked holding his shoulders.

"SHIT!" niall cursed. tears started in his eyes and mine. she would of loved to have a baby. a baby she will never see a baby she would never be able to call her mummy. me and niall walked over to Ashleigh first. we held hands to support each other.

"Ashleigh if you can hear us..... we love you fight for us we need you ," I said in between sobs. niall pulled me into his arms and placed his chin on top of my head. why Ashleigh? why niall? two of the worlds most sweetest people.

"ill leave- sniff- so someone else can come," I whisper. he just nods.

when you loose someone you love leaves you what do you do? I feel stuck like I can't do anything till she is back to normal. my life has changed so much in such a little time but why such a big bang now? is there a limit for someones happiness ? but there's one thing I havnt thought of yet to busy worrying about everything else. how did it happen?!


hello my lovelys!!!! wow nearly 700 reads that's amazayn thanks !!xx.well merry Christmas and a happy New year have a safe and happy holidays <3 lots of love XOXO

three votes for next upload thanks.xx

That Day (One Direction story) Finished (in editing)Where stories live. Discover now