Part 8

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Harry's fingers ran up and down my bare back. wait!! bare back. my eyes fling open and i look under the covers. both harry and me are naked.

"Whats wrong baby?" asked harry in a sleepy voice. it was seriously so sexy.

"did we..." was all i asked him. he nodded his head smiling. i roll over so im facing him. i winced as pain shot through my body.

"Are you alright?" he asked stoaking my cheek.

"mmm just a little sore," i assusred him.

"Thats good than i think," he said tryting to think of what to say.

"Harry if we did than your my first," i said shly i felt blood rush to my cheeks.

"im glad,' he said softly as he kissed me again.

i arched my back so i was looking down at him. i looked around the room and saw what i was looking for. Arhh the condom wrapper. sweet. i smiled and i saw harry smile out of the cornor of my eye.

"i will always protect you," he said pulling my head down onto his chest. i listened to his heart beating.

"im going for a shower," i told him and got up.

"can i join you?" he asked. i glared at him.

"NO," i said stubbenly.

i started the shower and just stood in there. thinking. BANG BANG.

"just got you a towel," harry said as he bargged in.

"HARRY WHAT THE HELL!" i yelled. i covered up my body parts.

"Babe we made love last night and you wont let me see you naked?" he said i couldn't see him when all of a sudden cold water was poured over my head.

"HARRRRRRRRYYYYYY!" i screamed. i opened the door and pulled him in with me. mind you he was wearing boxers now. his eyes drapt over my body.

"Harry i fell like your rapping me with your eyes.." i said. he pulled me by the waist towards him. i reached up to him and kissed him passionatly. his hands touched every part of my body leaving tinggles in their place. with out leaving my lips he shut the shower off.

Harry's P.O.V

as i shut tha water off i carryed Cassy into the bed room again in a bridal carry. she was wrapped in a towel. i layed her on the bed a gave her a shirt of mine to wear. she put it on and her bra and undies. she stood up and looked in the mirror.

"i personally like that look" i told her

"well thats good" she said as she turned around.

That Day (One Direction story) Finished (in editing)Where stories live. Discover now