part 16

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how is everyone? sorry I havnt updated been busy.... but here we go... I've been trying to get my other books better go onto my profile and read them please thanks guys



I laied in bed with Harry comforting me. people say you can't cry more than 38 tears at a time but I swear I've cried a million more. somewhere during my sobs I feel into deep sleep. but just befor I drifted off a soft voice mumbled a few words. "I really do love you with all my heart, it breaks my heart to see you like this, I promise when Ashleigh is better ill leave all you do is get hurt when I'm around I'm sorry," the voice started sobbing as I left to hopefully find dreams. Harry's P.O.V "I really don't know what to do Liam. I think I've really fall for her and its breaking my heart to see her always hurting. and you know for a fact that it was paps that ran into Ashleigh car!" I had been yelling at Liam for the past hour telling him that I might leave. I can't Watch her suffer because of me and the boys. its gone to far having Ashleigh in hospital. "Harry listen to me, take a break if you need to but I'm letting you know you will regret it. knowing you and how u would always have a girlfriend and you finally say you have found the one I'm happy but your not use to leaving something you love, just make sure you won't be hurting her more," he said. I ran my fingers through my hair. I let out a frustrated sound. "I'm going in circles here liar I'm so lost," I whispered "shit brees looking for me ill call you back tomorrow," he hung up. I threw my phone on the ground. "Harry?" a little voice asked. "yeah babe I'm in here," I called back. she walked towards me in minI shorts and a singlet. my eyes took In her appearance and sighed. "what's the matter?" she stopped just in front of me. I pulled her waist so she sat on my lap and I rested my head on hers. "nothing babe, I'm fine, let's go back to bed," I said taking her back to her room. I scooped her up into my arms. she giggled. I kissed her nose and she crinkled it up. I shut the door and laied her in the bed with me in top of her. she rested her hands on my neck and looked at me so lovingly. I started kissing down her neck and the top of her breasts. "you taste sweet," I told her. "you taste amazing," she giggled. I slipped her top off so I could take her naked appearance in once more. her curves perfect. she wasn't wearing a bra so I kissed around her breasts. I started to lightly suck on her nipple. her back arched a bit. she let out a moan. "shhh babe your mums home, you can't moan alright," I told her. she bit her lip as she nodded. I kissed down her stomach to the top of her pants. I slowly slide them down and she kicked them off completely. I kissed her thighs and then to where she wanted me. I let my toungglide over her entrance. my name came out of her mouth in soft mumbles only encouraging me to have more. I pushed a finger into her making her arch her back. I started to pump in and out of her. I added a second finger as I sucked on her clit. I climbed back to her face and kissed her. "see how good you taste?" I told her licking my lips. "you taste better," she challenged. she pushes me so she was on top. she grinded her crutch against my stomach making my pants tighten. she kissed down my 'V' line and tugged down my pants. she grabbed my shafted and pumped it up and down. my eyes closed as pleasure took over. I took her hand to help her go faster and grip harder. with her other hand she massaged my balls. I let a slight moan slip my lips. my stomach tightened and I let go. she crawled back onto me and kissed me "see how good you taste?" she mocked me. "I do taste great," I joked. she giggled. " you wouldn't have any condoms on you would you?" she asked innocently. "babe I'm harry styles of cause I do," she laughed at my response. I slipped it on and pushed into her. she gasped at first so I let her adjust. I started pulling in and put fast. moans starting coming out of her mouth so I muffled them with my mouth. she started to thrust with me making it 10 times better. I groaned into her mouth. "Harry," she mumbled. I knew she was close. "when ever your ready babe," I told her. I continued to kiss her. I felt her warm juices cover the condom so I let mine fill the condom as well. I rode out our orgasms until we were both out of breath. I left myself inside her enjoying the feeling of her. "what was that all about?" she asked. "can't I just have a little fun with my girlfriend?" I asked her. she giggled. she pulled herself on top of me and started to move up and down. she bit her lip to suppress her moans. I had to do the same. I griped her thighs and I gridded her up and down. my hands roamed up to her breasts and started grabbing them and pinching her nipples. she stoped as she reached her climax. she climbed off me and snuggled into my side. "mmmmmm I love you Harry," she said in my ear. I smiled as I rolled over to her and pulled her closer. the smile came off my face just as I wrapped my arms around her. this girl has stolen my heart its crazy. the way she can simply touch me and my heart warms. I rested my chin in her head and drifted off the sleep with the girl I love in my arms.

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