part 12

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hello peoples :) I hope you guys like my story :) I would like to shout out to my best friend Lara and say I will miss you so so so much when you leave and I love you so much thank you for everything babe xx :)


in my dreams colours blur my vision in my dreams its a happy place I'm back in year 9 with my best friends sitting around laughing no problems in the world. something trying to come to my mind to break through the barrier keeping from realtity. soft murrmers filled my ears, sobs and shouting become clearer.

"its all my fault," someone said as they cried. why is everyone crying is someone hurt.

"I love you caspara," I heard a voice say. such a sweet voice. like an angle I wanted to comfort the angle tell them everything will be ok. something wet hit my arm. I tried to oppen my eyes. there was a little slit I peeked through and I saw him.

"harry," I tried to say it came out as a groan. his eyes snapped up to mine.

'oh my gawd cas I'm so sorry please forgive me please I love you please I'm so sorry," he started to cry. I just steared at him.

"harry," I whispered he didn't look at me

"harry," I said harsher

he still didn't look at me he had his head down and silent sobs came out of him.

"for the love of god harry look at me," I shouted.

"arrhh shit," I complained as I moved something beeped like crazy I looked and saw tubes stuck in my body.

"arrhh what happen?" now I'm the one crying.

"shhhh its ok cas ur going to be ok I promise," harry tried to sooth me. I laied back down trying to get comfy it was impossible so I gave up. his eyes never left mine it was as if he was searching for something.

"what happen?"I finally asked. he sighed and looked down again.

suddenly the door opened.

"ah great to see your awake miss. caspara."some one said. they looked like a doctor. was I in hospital?

"who are you?" I said. I grabbed Harry's arm as I felt weird in this person's presents.

"I'm doctor Brunswick I will look after you," he asured me as he looked at the machines.

"doctor?"I whispered to myself.

"she doesnt know what happen ," harry told the man.

"of cause, ill leave so you may tell her it will be easier coming from someone she knows," the doctor he left.

"harry what's going on?" I was getting scared something bad happen really bad and I don't remeber.

"he kissed you. " harry said through his teeth.

"say what?!" I said. I am so confused I can't remebrr a thing.

"James," his jaw was clenched together.

"what about him," I mumbled.

"he tried to kiss you at your prom and I punched him and when he hit me I went to hit him and I elbowed you in the temple and you have been unconscious for.two days I'm sorry," he said it so fast yet I understood each word. we sat in silence for what seemed like hours.

" where is everyone else?" I asked. he looked at me and nodded and left the room. I laid there. so harry got in a fight for me? wow and he said he loves me... do I love him. he is amazing I know he would do anything for me but that girl in him why, he didn't even push her off. my head started to hurt from all the thinking. I heard the door open.

"hey Cassy," Lara said softly.

hey lala," I smiled at her.

" how you feeling?" she asked.

"have been better," I said sadly.

"you scared us all especially harry he really does love you cas he really does," she told me. I looked in her eyes. my crazy best friend who thinks she is a unicorn giveing ke addvise. wow.

a few days after I woke up the doctor let me out of hospital.

harry held my hand as I walk out and in his other hand he held my clothes that liam will have to wash. as we made a mad dash to the car the paps surrounded us. we got in and set off home.

"so what do you wanna do?" harry asked

"I wanna watch a movie when we get home," I told him. I saw he had a cheecky smile on his face. how I missed it. I heard him chuckle. "haven't changed much have you darlin?" he touched my arm which sent sparks through my body.

I lent my head on his shoulder. I missed him so much maybe I did love him. would it work this time could I trust him.

"oh, wait till you hear all the rumors about what happen to you, apparently you got pregnant and died, you got ran over by a car we even murdered you cuz we didn't like you," he said. my head shot up so I could look at him to see if he was serious he was. wow I never knew I got pregnant its like saying a horse stood on me. I THINK I WOULD KNOW!

"well I'm back from the dead," I said. he laughed and looked at me. I put my head back on his shoulder and he kissed me head.

when we arrived home I was nearly tackled by everyone hugging me.

"can't..... br......breathe...." I managed to get out suprisingly. they let go.

"movie time!!!" I shouted. they all laughed as we mad our way to one directions living room. harry and me sat on the love seat while the others got comfy together.

"harry?" I asked.

"mmmm," he replied and looked at me.

I put my head up and planted a kiss in his lips. everyone whistled and claped as I parted his lips. his fingers slid into my hair and knotted in my hair. I wrapped my arms around his body to hold him to me. I pulled back to look at him.

"I love you too," I said as I looked at him. his face turned into a smile as he pecked my lips once more. he pressed our foreheads together and and I giggled.


I sighed and snuggled into harry.

"cas, wake up babe," someone said.

I groaned as I tried opening my eyes.

"what?" I asked grumply. I don't remeber falling asleep......

"I was wondering if you wanted to sleep with me or in your own bed?" harry asked. so sweet he was giving me and option.

I grabbed his neck and pulled him down on top of me.

"of shit," we both complained.

I started laughing

he sat up and pulled ne with him.

"your beautiful you know " he told me as he pushes some hair behind my ear. I blush and hid my face in his chest. he put his arms around me.

"come on let's get some sleep" harry said laying us both down.

I cuddled into him. I didn't want to tell anyone but I was affraid to go to sleep. night mares take over every night...


hhehehehehehe hope you like it guyyysss :) comment vote and fan <3

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