Part 7

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Harry took me into his room. it was really clean for a boys room. all he had was a bed. he jumped on his bed and layed there looking at me with a cheeky smirk on his face. i decided to have a look around his room. i went into his closet expecting a million clothes there was nothing. well a couple of shirt and shorts but nothing.

"Nice clothes," i mutter to myself.

"i know," harry replied. i didnt even know he was behind me i jump.

"God harry dont do that!" i said wrapping my arms around his neck.  he was laughing so i pulled away and crossed my arms. he kept trying to take them away but i wouldn't move. he face changed from happy to worried. worried? well, i should have some fun with this.  i walked around him and sat on his bed. 

"Cassy, talk to me," he begged. it was hard to try not to smile.

"not till you say sorry" i said turning away from him again

"what for?!" he nearly yelled. i stood up and went to the door. and i opened it.

"LOUIIIII!!!!!" I yelled. suddenly someone had picked me up by the waist. i saw Louis look for me.

"Loui harry wont say sorry," i said in between laughing and crossing my arms.

"harry say sorry u will regret it," louis said. he sounded sad not like before.

"harry put me down please," i whispered. harrys face turned to curiosity and put me down. i signalled for him to hold my hand and he did.

"Babe whats happening?" he whispered. when he whispered it was so atractive.

"shhhhh" i hushed him as i saw loui in his room.

"louis? are you ok?" i asked sweetly and pulled harry in the room with me.

"not really," he replied still not making eye contact. Harry found a seat and sat on it and pulled me on top of him.

"Wanna talk about it?" i said leaning forward.

"its lara," he sighed. Ahh knew it bloody lara (joking if your reading this lala<3). i moved to the side of harrys leg. i could feel something poking me in his pants. OH GOD! i thought to myself.

"what happen?" i said. i think he actually cared about Lara alot i could just tell. i moved forward on harry. he grabbed me hard on my hips.

"Stay still other wise this wont end well," he whispered harshly in my ear. i giggled and saw him smile.

"i asked her to prom, but she turned me down and said that im to good for her, but i think i actually  like her alot," louis said slowly he looked up at me with a sad look.

"is that bad?" he asked

"No louis of cause not bub listen lara is probably scared she has never had a boyfriend and she has had a major crush on you for ages so i'll talk to her for you just prove to her how much you love her," i said hoping it helped. he smiled.

"Thanks," he said he got up to hug me so i hugged him.

"not a problem always here ," i said smiling.

Harry's P.O.V

Cassy kept moving around on my lap which wasn't a good idea for her. when she huged louis he notice and gave me the thumbs up. i rolled my eyes. i will take this slow for her. 

"OK lets go' i said grabbing her hand. 

"HARRY!" she growled at me. 

 i dragged her into my room. i pulled her down with me on my bed she curled up next to me. 

"Never do that again," i told her. she probed her self up on her elbows so she was looking at me. 

"Do what?" she asked

"move around while your sitting on me because next time i might rip your clothes off," i said. she giggled and shook her head.

"your crazy mr. harry," she told me getting closer to me

"Crazy about you," i said taking her face in my hands and pressing her lips to mine. i pulled her on top of me so she was in between my legs. OH NO ITS HAPPENING AGAIN... i thought to myself. this girl was good at giving me boners. i rolled her over so i was  on top of her she moan slightly and i started kissing her neck and made my way back to her lips. i licked her lips and she let me in i explored her mouth as she explored mine. i pulled away so i could look at her. she look at me with a confused expression on her face.

"I love you," i whispered.

" i love you too," she whispered against my lips. this was the first time she had told me this sparks flew through my body. i wanted her right now and here. but i guess cassy had other ideas.

"Harry i have to go," she said sadly. i sighed i nodded my head as i pulled away.

"hey, wanna meet my mum?' she asked. i froze. i've never meet a girls parents or in this case parent.... but i didnt wanna let her down.

" you down have to," she said as she fixed her hair. she had sex hair. i smiled to myslef.

"OF CAUSE I DO!" i said as i pulled her back to me she kissed me with just a peck and i wanted more.

"come on then," she said. i groaned but got up and fixed my curls. 

just before she opened the door i grabbed her and held her tight.

"one more minuet please," i begger. i really hadn't got enough yet. she reached up on her tippy toes and planted a kiss i lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. i held her thighs and she kissed me passionatly. i would never get enough. i took her to my bed and layed her down. i Started to unbutton her shirt. i dont know how much longer i can wait. i took her shirt off her and she took mine off. her hands trailed down my six pack and my abbs.

" on second thoughts i'll call my mum and ask her if i can stay the night." her words made me smile. i handed her my phone. her mum thinks she is at her friends. i layed there next to her waiting for her to finish. i got up on one elbow so i would watch her. i had got her half naked. i watched her eyes and trailed to her lips than down her lip to her brests which where just cover by a bra they were perfect than down her stomach and to her pants. she was perfect. my eyes kept trayling up and down her body i didnt reliese she was off the phone.

"you right there harry?' she asked. she noticed me checking her out. my cheels flushed and i layed on top of her. 

" cant i cheek out my hot girlfriend?' i asked her agaibnt her lips. she giggled and her fingers intwined in my  hair....


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