That day part 2

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HI GUYS :) ok ill tell u abit about the characters 

lara- she is skinny with dark skin, perfect black hair and is a fashion freak

cassy- she has blue eyes, brown hair that goes to the boobs and is wavey

kylah- is skiiny dark skinned and has never had a bf

bree- bree is tanned with blue eyes and long blond hair

Ugh not again I say as I start to get up put something helps me. Something strong pulls me up. "Oh gosh are u ok?!" Asks a husky voice with an accent I stare at those eyes those so green eyes. My breath got caught in my throat.. holy shit no way this can't be happening. "Shit" he says as he pulls me to the side and I'm being pulled Im stunned not knowing what's happening I'm tripping with every step I take. He finds a corner and we huddle in it. "Umm" is all I say as I'm out of breath and laughing. "Are u alright ?" The boy asks lifting my chin and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Yeah I guess " I say as I grab my bag and start walking away. 'I'm harry by the way" he said trying to keep up. "I know " I say and walk off leaving him looking like an idiot. "Did she just walk away from harry?" Says a voice I look behind me and see niall looking at me actually not looking staring and talking to liam. " oh god look at him" liam says as I keep walking. * at lunch* "hey girls" i say as i take a seat next to lara "they're so amazing" she says. i roll my eyes. idont think im gonna tell them what happen they will go nuts over it. i start eating my salad. i zone out and dont think about anything untill ihear the word prom. my head snapped up. "prom?" i ask looking widen at everyone. i totally forgot about it! shit they are all gonna kill me its on saturday. "yeah who's your date cassy?" bree asks and they all look at me. i hang my head in shame that i let them down. "did you forget or didnt u get asked?" says lara rubbing my back. ishrug and look up smiling "i guess i cant go now what a pity" i say smiling. Laras eye widen in alarm. "oh yes you are girlie!!" she crosses her arms and i have lost the argument. great dresses and heals how lovely.. *later that day* "see ya mum im leaving" i yell as i leave for work. i start walking i put my ear phones in but just before i do i hear something coming from the top of the street. "Harrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i hear some one yell. oh no oh please no!! i beg in my mind " Vass happening boys...... Harry what did you do?!" i walk up the drive way and open the door with out knocking and i stand there. " PLEASE DONT HURT US!" screams louis. i stand there with my eyes hanging out of my head. "how did you find us?" asks a tall man "oh umm i was walking to work and i heard screaming " i said not taking my eyes of the floor. "well good bye" he says "dont push dude seriously bye boys see ya" i call over my back. "thats her," i hear someone whisper. i roll my eyes and continue walking. i get to work just in time. i greet everyone as i walk in and get changed. i start cleaning trays. "so this is where you work?" says a voice. i jumped and looked up and see someone wearing a hat and sun glasses. "oh hunny is that the best you can do?" i tell the boy. "James what do you want?" i say. james is my ex he broke my heart becausei loved him so much and he has always still liked me but i wont give him another chance. "you" he says sadly. "get lost!" i yell he hangs his head and leaves. after i finish my shift i leave to go home i buy a drink and leave. "can i drive you home?" some one says i spin around so fast i get whip lash "OH MY GOD STOP DOING THAT?!" i yell, this boys was really getting on my nerves. he starts pulling my hand and dragging me. " JAMES STOP!" i cry Harry's P.O.V " whats for dinner?" asks Niall for the hundredth time. " DUDE! ill go get Maccas" i say. i grab my phone and jump in the car.i pul up in the car park. was i hope out i hear screaming. "James stop please!" i hear someone yell. are they..... harry stop thinking dirty! i run over and see that girl again. wow. she looked at me with pleading eyes. " OI hands off my girlfriend please!!" i say in a firm voice. did i just call her my girlfriend. i clear my throat.i grab the girl and pull her behind me. "She told you to stop so you stop ok?! keep your hands off other peoples girls mate!" i yell at him pointing a finger. he nods as he gets in his car. i turn around and see her walking away. i still dont know her name but she is different. "HEY WAIT UP!" i call....

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