part 10

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hey guys :)  


"what's there to explain harry?" I whispered. I walk past him.  

"your hand fits in mine like its made just for me," he sung softly. I turned around to see him looking at me with his hands in his pockets.  

"but bare this in mind it was ment to be," his sweet voice rung in my ears making me shiver in delight.  

"and I'm joining up the dots with the freakles on your checks and it all makes sense to me," he said as he ran his fingers down my cheek. 

"I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile you've never loved your stoamche or your thighs or the dimples at the bottom of you spine, but I love them endlessly" he sung louder. 

"I wont let these little things slip our of my mouth but if I do its you," he said his mouth inches from mine my breath was hitched in my throat. 

"its you, it all adds up to you," he whispered. his face was inches from mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck. 

"shut up and kiss me," I giggled. I pulled me up to him as he crashed his lips onto mine. his tounge broke through my lips. all of our words we put into motion.  

" so will you take me back?" he asked looking me in the eyes as he bit down on his bottom lip. 

" ill think about it. you still let another Barbie stick her tounge down your throat." I Said looking away. 

"no no Cassy, he jumped on me and I couldn't get her off me. it was a horrible what should I call it? cuz I would call it a kiss," he said. I giggled. 

"like I said, I will always protect you," he added as he held my face. 

"ill still think about it," I Said. 

" can I have a dance please," he asked. he held out his hand. I took it and we walk back to the hall. I really don't know. this is why I stay out of love. heart break ruins all happiness but it comes back around in its own slow time.

as we reached the floor he pulled me close to him. I put my arms around his neck and his were on my waist.  

"can I butt in?" asked a voice. I looked and saw James standing there. I looked at harry and he looked calm but pissed off. 

"one song and that's it," I said. I gave harry a kiss on the cheek and let James lead me to the dance floor. I held his shoulders awkwardly. 

"cas," he started. I looked up at him but quickly turned away.  

he put a finger under my chin and lifted my face to his. his face was closer than I remember to mine. before I could protest he smashed his lips to mine. my eyes widened in shock. I heard someone's in take in air and saws harry walking over to us. I pushed James off me. harry grabbed his shirt and slammed his fist into James's face. suddenly someone's elbow hit the side of my head. I fell to the ground as black dots filled my vision. 

" no Cassy!! I'm so sorry, don't leave me i love you," I heard someone say as I completely blacked out.


herro people's!!!!!! hope use like please comment vote and fan me. thanks for reading xx

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