That Day part 3

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Cassy p.o.v

"What harry?" I say I spun around and saw him take a step back 

"Can I drive you home at lest?" He asked. His eyes went up and down my body.

" like something you see?" I ask with attitude as I crossed my arms. I raised my eye brows at him. He shook his head which made him curles bounce like crazy and he scratched the back of his head which showed all of his mussels. I bit my lip as I took his appearance in. 

"Yeah sure" I say. i make my way over to his car. i cant really see it in the dark but i bet it is pretty  hot. as he starts the car i shulp in my chair refusing to speak to him. Harry kept the silence untill a song came on that we both reconised.

"I LOVE THIS SONG!" we both said at the same time. we looked at eachother and e smile which made me gigle. 

" umm harry why did you call me your girlfriend?" i asked.  i watchted he expression he frown as if he was in deep thought than he shook his head.

" i really dont know," he said in a sad voice. i wanted the rub his back and tell him it was ok to kiss him and make it all better. wait..... did i just think that oh no oh no Cassy keep your distance this is a internation pop star you might like you dont have a chance. 

"this is my house" i say as i point out the window. he lent over and hugged me i was shocked that he even did but he semlt so good i closed me eyes. he tightened his  grip.

" see your not so tuff after all you" he said tesingly. i poked my tounge out at him and smiled.

"good night harry" i said geting out

"good night Cassy" he whispered

Harrys P.O.V

i drive up the rode to our new home.

" i'm home boys'" i yell as i drop my keys on the table.

"wheres the food?!" niall asks so quick i barley caught what he said.

"SHIT, sorry guys i got caught up" i said running my hands through my hair. nest thing i know louis has his arm around my neck and he making me walk with him.

"whats her name harry , i know that face" he said elbowing me.

please commment and vote thanks for reading means alot <3 

That Day (One Direction story) Finished (in editing)Where stories live. Discover now