That Day (One Direction story)

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hey guys, im new at this so please tell me what you think and yeah hope you like it

<3 xox


Beeeepp!!!! Beeeeppp!!! I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. "ARRHH!! piss off!!" I say as I pull the plug. "Cassy!! get out of bed you're gonna be late!" my mum shouted. my mum is nice but when she wants you to do something she will make you do it! I groan and make my way to the shower. I brush my teeth and dress in shorts and a blue tank shirt. "see ya mum" I yell as I walk out the door. she gave me a kiss on the cheek and I left. I hoped in my sliver swift. oh god, I thought some one changed my scent in the car... Lara... of cause it was her! As I arrive at school I see my best friends Lara the crazy one, Bree the pretty blond one and Kylah the smart one. we have been through a lot together but we stay strong. "herro my sluts " i great them. i know what your thinkning weird way to great your best friends but seriously we are like that. "hey bitch" bree says hugging me. "OH MY GOD cassy!! are you seriously wearing that?! really i told you to wear a skirt!!" shouted lara. she always tells me what to wear (not that i ever listen). "idont do skirts or dresses you should know that" i say folding my arms. she rolled her eyes " do you know whats happening today?!" asked lara "oh yeah, One direction is coming to school, but y this shit hole?" i really couldn't understand why they would come to our school seriously its like the worst school here nothing out of the ordinary. "CUZ' WE ARE HERE!" screamed kylah "omg.. shut up people are looking" i said quietly. we all laughed and walked into school. we walked over to our lockers and got out the books we need. iheard screaming. "FUDGE BREE!!! SHUT UP !!" i yell at her but theres no stoping her. i turn around and i se them.... ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!! i love them a lotbut seriously all this i grab my books and walk away. suddenly i find myself air born..


That Day (One Direction story) Finished (in editing)Where stories live. Discover now