PART 17 (the end)

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That day..

2 months had pasted. The boys are leaving in a few weeks. Me and Harry are not on talking terms. James is supportive… I guess. The girls are Still with the boys and im happy but whenever we go to the movies I tag along and Harry always brings a girl. The feels I get are not indescribable. Hot angry tears always run down my cheeks and I end up leaving.

But today is the school sing off. Me and the girls made a group name. it took a lot of arguing and fighting to come up with Imperfect Innocence. We all stood back stage. No one knew there competition but we had all our songs.

“you ready?” Lara asked me. I shook my head.

“no, not really,” I laughed.

Our school principal walked onto the stage.

“ladies and gentlemen, students and teachers welcome to the sing off for 2013!” he greeted the crowd. Everyone started clapping and whistling not helping my butterflies. I looked across the stage to the other wing and say One Direction there all talking. As I looked over Harry looked up to meet me eyes. He smiled. I just rolled my eyes and looked away.

“ok lets pick our first group!” our principal announced. He put his hand into a bowl with all our names in it. It pulled on out.

“the first group is… ONE DIRECTION!” he shouted. The school went crazy with screams. The boys jumped on stage to get the crowd pumped.

“ok calm down. Next group is,” he said. Ok breathe. Us girls stood in a line holding hands. They were hoping it would be us but I was hoping it wasn’t.

“IMPERFECT INNOCENCE!” the principal yelled.

“AH SHIT!” I cursed.

“yes! Yay!” Bree cheered. I took my mic and walked on stage.

“we’ll go first!” I told Louis. He bowed like an idiot at my request.

“does he tell you he loves you when you lest expect it, does he flatter your heart when he kisses your neck, no scientist or biology its obvious when he’s holding me, its only natural that im so effected,” I sung looking at Harry the inter time. We continued singing DNA. Watching Harry, he showed sadness in his eyes I all most felt sorry. Almost. As we finished the audience clapped and whistled. As the boys stepped forward the sound of rock me came through the speakers. Goose bumps ran up my body as I shivered. I turned my mic off and looked back up to Harry as he started singing. All the girls were giggling and looking at the boys. Just like in the movies I had a flash back through all mine and harry memories.

“I use to think that I was better alone,” I heard Harry singing.

I looked back up him and saw him trying to get my attention. I blinked away the tears and sniffed and held my head high. I turned my mic back on and begun to sing with the boys

“I want you to rock me, rock me, rock me yeah,” I sung. I felt my group’s eyes boring into my back.

As the song finished I grab harry’s hand a towed him off stage to the back. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he tucked his face into my neck and kissed my neck.

“harry im sorry,” I sobbed into his shirt.

“no I am sorry I shouldn’t of left you,” he whispered. He took my face in his hands. I stared into his green eyes.

“you leave in a few weeks,” I whispered.

“come with me,” he said interrupting me. With out thinking I grabbed the back of his head and smashed his lips on to mine. He reacted by pulling me closer to his body.

That Day (One Direction story) Finished (in editing)Where stories live. Discover now