part 9

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"harry?!" I squeal as I walk into the canteen. he was sitting on a chair with some blonde Bilbo on top of him sucking each others face off. he looked around and saw me.

"Cassy!! its not what it looks like I swear." he yelled.

"I think it is" I whispered.

I ran down the corridors to the girls bathroom. I put the seat on the toilet down and sat there with my head in my hands crying. soon enough Lara walked in to check her hair but saw me.

"Cassy?" she asked. I looked at her and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror my eyeliner and masscara was running down my face. "what happen?" she asked.

I told her the story and she rung the others.

"its cause there stuiped pop stars! they think they can walk all over us!" Ashleigh said.

someone's phone rang.

"what do you want!" yelled bree.

"yes she is with me liam but she will not see harry--- yes I'm pissed at you liam. seriously just leave us alone u have done enough" bree said closing her phone.

"let's go to class" I whisper. I wash my face and leave.

after school I went home. as soon as I reached my room the door bell rang. I walked down stairs.

"what are you doing here?" i asked. out side stood all my friends.

"ITS PROM NIGHT!" the sceamed.

"i dont have a date anymore," i said.

"nither do we we broke it off with them," said kyalah

"you guys didnt have to do that" i said hugging them

"come on lets show them what they lost!" said lara.

shot me out of the sky

my phone went off.

"hello?" i asked

"hi cassy, its niall," said a thick irish voice.

"what do you want?" i said rudely

"listen harry needs to talk to you give him a chance" he begged

"i did niall i did he stole my heart and tore it"" i said my tears starting spilling over

"i got to go i'll maybe see you tonight," i said as i hung up.

we got into our dresses. they looked beautiful.

we arrived at the schools hall. i chuckled to myself. what a gay place for a prom seriously i could smell it from a mile away. we got a photo at the front entrence. i shighed as i walked through the balloons.i walked over to the punch bowl. hopefully it was spiked. the music was blaring so loud me ears where throbing. i had my fingers crossed that one direction didnt show up tonight. harry really used me. he took my innocents and than broke my heart along with it. i had thought that i was finally healing after all this time f being hurt but no some stupid pop star just has to find away to walk all over me. of cause. i love harry but if he wants a stupid bimbo i will not change for him not one bit. my dress was tight on my boobs than flowing down to my knees so when i spun around it would fly out. i truned around to walk back to the girls after sculling my drink and i noticed they were here. harry's eyes looked at me. i turned around a ran out side. my dress was going every where. i got to the oval and sat on the bleachers and wrapped my arms around myself. love stinks. it truly does. no matter how long it lasts it always ends in heart break. i hadnt relised i was crying untill the tears ran into my mouth. was i really gonna let one stupid boy ruin my night? its not fair on my friends. i stood up and fixed my dress. as i looked up i saw him standing there in a tux looking down at me.

"just let me explan" he said.


sorry about not updating i hope you like it :D please vote comment and fan xx

That Day (One Direction story) Finished (in editing)Where stories live. Discover now