That Day Part 4

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Cassy's P.O.V

i wake up with the sun shinning in my eyes. i jump out of bed and get dressed quickly. i feel so excited for some reason. im not going to lie to myself but its proabaly because ill see harry HARRY FIGGEN STYLES!!! i take a deep breath. i grab my bag and walk out the door when i hear a horn toot.

" wanna lift?" some asks as they lean out the window.

"Harry?" i ask weirdly. i shake my head to clear my thoughts. i hear him chuckle as i hope in his SUV. 

"Nice car" i said studying it

"you saw it last night" he said eyeing my off, it felt like he was rapping me with his..... eyes is that possible. 

"well not really it was dark than" i say trying to move out of his sight. he cleared his throat and look at the road as we pull up into school i cant see my girls any where. as i hope out someone calls my name. i turn around and lara with louis and bree with liam and kylah with zayn.. whats going on i think to myself.

"how'd you get here??" i ask bree

"him" she has pointing to liam

"and you" i say asking kylah

"him" she said as zayn wraped his arm around her

"how about you?" i nod to lara.

" i walked" she said

"really?" i ask surprised.

" haha joks no louis drived me" she said.

"hey where niall?" i ask turning to harry. i see him with a girl she looks familiar.

"ashleigh?" i say to myself

"OH MY GOD ASHELIGH!!!" i scream.

i push harry and louis out of the wall as i run over i notice niall stop and open his arms for a hug but i push him out of the way and jump on asheligh. 

"ashwee is that you omg!!" i shriek in excitment. i feel some arms wrap around my waist.

"calm down" harry whispers in my ear.

"calm down dont tell me to calm down when my best friend is here!!" i yell at him i gave him a hug and started jumoping up and down with asheligh.

" long time no see" she has in a bitish accent.

"you have a brittish accent ash?? where have you been?" i ask looking at her

" oh i have been living in london for a bit and i met niall and we have been dating for a while but we kept it quiet but HI!" she has as excited as me. we all walk into school when a group of girls pushes me out of the way. i land butt down and it hurt so bad i feel a shot of pain running up my wrist. i slide over to the locker and close my eyes.... dont cry dont cry dont cry i chant to myself.

"Cassy!!! where are you"i heard lara call. i try to respond

"Shes over her!!" i herd ashleigh yell

i moan and try to open my eyes i get them open just as i see harry and the boys bend down next to us.

"LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID LEAVE NOW" i heard liam i think it was shout. 

" im so sorry cassy are u ok look at me" i see harry bend down next to me. his arms slide underneth me and lift me up 

"ouch" i grummble as harry carries me to the nurses office


That Day (One Direction story) Finished (in editing)Where stories live. Discover now