part 14

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I looked around the room. black. that's all I could see black. something moved. I felt it. I spun around.

"harry?" I asked. it chuckled an evil chuckle. I backed away slowly. my back ran into a wall. I gasp as pain ran up my side. I looked down and blood was dripping out of my side. I couldn't scream I couldn't. I collapsed to the ground. I looked up and saw a figure. in black holding something shiny with red on it. my blood.

"cas love are you alright?" harry asked. I looked at him and started crying .

" shhh it will be ok," he cooded

"it was just a dream," he stroked my hair.

"he cut me.... I....I..I... "I stuttered

"shh I'm here its alright," he whispered. he was right he is here that's all that matters it was a dream I'm safe now.I sighed.

"you alright now?" he looked at me.

I nodded my head weakly.

"I'm just gonna take a shower," I said. harry watched my curiously but nodded. I took my pyjamas off and steped into the shower. it was just a dream. why was I freaking out. why have I been having night mares I only got knocked out nothing scarey happened. maybe I'm going to loose harry. no. I pushed that thought aside while I washed my hair. I sat down on the bottom of the shower and started shaving ky legs. I normally would of done it out of the shower but its like 4 in the morning so why not take a long shower. I started to think of how my life has changed in the last few months its crazy. it went from being a crazy for ever alone girl to bow dating a international pop star. wow. I must have done some good deeds in my past life. I hoped out of the shower and put some cream on to my legs. it smelt like strawberrys. I started to put it on my arms. why not better to smeel good the bad. I wrapped the towel around me and walked out. I peeked at harry back asleep I see. I tip toed past him to my suit case and grabbed some shorts and a singlet comfy to sleep in. I walked over to Harry's closet and walked in. when I was sure to be out of sight I dropped the towel. I slid my panties and bra one when I heard a voice.

"stay like that," it whispered in a husky voice.

I jumped and turned around.

" holy cheese balls harry I nearly shat a brick," I complained "how much did you see," I asked

"enough ," he said. he walked closer and pulled me into him.

" I love you ," he whispered. I froze. should I say it back or not.

"ahh you to," I said.

"come back to bed will you?" he begged. he turned around so I decided to jump on his back. as I did I heard his in take of breath just before he realised who it was.

he grabbed my legs and started to spin in circles. I giggled and hid my head into his shoulder blade. I screamed. he stopped and I lifted my head. I saw why we stoped. Louis was at the door rubbing his eyes.

"keep it down," he groaned. harry chuckled. after he shut the door. I ran my fingers down Harry's neck. he shivered. than I traced my lips down his neck. to my surprise he lent his neck to the other side so I could get more. he moaned once I started to kiss his neck. and the night got better.


hello people well sorry its short but yeah :) follow me on Twitter - Casy_StYlEs

intagram- cassy_styles

yeah hope u liked this fan vote and comment :) btw I have other stories

I have Hollywood's daughter me and my friend are doing and than spin the bottle let me meet you this one is a fan fic so please read thanks xx

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