33 🌻

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Without even thinking I already grabbed my coat, putting it on. "Lix, where are you? I'll go get the boys, we're on our way!" I said, but he instantly disagreed. "No, please don't get the guys. I don't think I have the nerve to see them right now. Please, I'm begging you." I sighed, but agreed. "Of course, where are you? I'll come alone, I promise." He sniffed, clearly still upset. "I'm at the airport... I'll wait for you in front of gate B40. I'll see you in a bit."

With that, he hung up. The airport? Already? Wasn't the flight supposed to leave tomorrow? I groaned, already running out. If I run quickly enough I might just be able to make the bus. I ran with all my might, completely out of breath, already seeing the bus at the stop. For an instant I stopped. Was I too late? An old lady was busy getting out, instantly making me run again. I could still make it! I almost tripped over my own feet, not even paying attention to the passing cars.

I frantically waved my arms, signalling for the driver to wait. I checked in with my card, completely out of breath. "Thank you" I panted, quickly sitting down. The ride seemed to be never ending since it was still an hour away. Every second counted. What if he took an early flight? What if I'd be too late? I couldn't even think of anything else, until my phone went off.

"Y/N? Where are you?" Chan's voice rang through my ears. Shit. I was meeting his parents today. "You didn't answer the doorbell so I checked inside, but you didn't seem to be home." I sighed, running my hand through my hair in frustration. "Chan, I'm on my way to Felix right now, he called me." I could hear Chan's breathing seize for a second on the other side of the line.

"Where is he? I'll gather the guys, we'll be on our way" he answered, already seemingly moving around from the background noises. "Wait!" I said maybe a little too quickly. Things grew quiet over there. "Listen," I sighed, "Felix asked me to come alone... I'm sorry, but please let me handle this for now okay? I'll try to convince him to meet you guys, but please trust me with this."

"Okay" Chan replied after a few seconds of silence. It was easy to hear by just the sound of his voice that he wasn't liking the situation at all, but I was already glad he wasn't going to fight it. "I'll call you as soon as I can okay? I'm sure you also have a lot to discuss." Chan hummed, agreeing. "I'll just go ahead and cancel lunch at my parent's." A wave of guilt washed over me. He must have really been looking forward to it hearing how disappointed he sounded.

"I'm really sorry Chan... I just can't leave Felix alone, I'm really scared that if I don't convince him now he might do things he'll really regret, and-" I rambled, but Chan stopped me. "No, listen, I understand. Yeah, it sucks, but there's nothing we can do about it can we? We can't lose Lix to a wench like Seo-Yeon, so you do everything you can and keep me updated okay? My parent's can wait a little longer, there's no need to cancel it for good right?"

A small smile formed on my lips. "Thanks Chan, really." As we kept on talking I could already see the airport closing in. "Ah, I have to go now. I'll call you later okay?" "Call you later. I love yo-" was all that went through before I quickly shoved my phone in my pocket, already going up to the doors as it almost stopped. "Thank you!" I yelled loudly to the bus driver, almost tripping over my own feet as I got out.

B40, B40, where the heck was B40! I ran inside, frantically looking around me for any clues. B...B...B... to the right! I ran as fast as I could. To my surprise there wasn't anyone staring at me like I was crazy, but then again, they must be used to this at airports. As I finally reached the gate I fearfully looked around me, desperately searching for him. Where was he? He couldn't already have left now could he?

I spotted a figure walking, a back and the golden locks in his hair looking all too familiar. "Lix!" I shouted as I pushed myself through the group behind me. His figure already disappeared around a corner, which when I finally reached it was already swamped with other unfamiliar figures, his having disappeared in the crowd. "Lix?!" I called out again, quickly walking around. Where did he go?

I finally spotted him again, his eyes this time meeting mine. They were filled with tears of regret as he shook his head, his eyes almost screaming to stay away. "Lix" I said one last time, a mixture of relief and confusion, which disappeared as I saw Seo-Yeon walking up to him, already putting her hands around his arm with that sweet, oh so innocent looking smile. God I wanted to wipe that smile off her face.

I had to get him away from her before she'd actually take him away! I looked around, an idea coming up. This was 100% going to get me in trouble, but hey, only if I got caught right? I ran up to the wall, pressing the fire alarm. The screeching sound louded through the entire airport as you could see other's heading to the exit, the crowds shutting down in fear, everyone pushing and pulling to get out first.

I ran up to Felix who had just gotten separated from Seo-Yeon, grabbing his wrist and pulling him with me in the opposite direction. I could hear Seo-Yeon scream out our names, but I just kept running. I turned around, smiling at him.

"Don't worry, I'll get us out of here!"

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