7 🌻

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"Y/N!" Felix shouted, a few meters behind us. I turned around startled, not knowing when he went outside. He ran up to us, already seeming out of breath. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have hit Minho." Jisung coughed, getting Felix's attention. "I'll just go get our food then, you two have a good talk" he said, already walking away, waving while walking away without looking.

"Felix, what even happened out there?" Felix immediately became grumpy again. "He was literally thirsting over you! What was I gonna do, just let him talk about how he wanted to spend the night with you? Definitely not!" I raised my eyebrow. "Minho did? How even, he was literally talking about not wanting to be murdered by you last night though... He didn't seem like that type to me at all, maybe he was somehow just teasing you?" Felix shook his head. "Whatever, just be careful around him."

The next few minutes were quiet. Just us, standing in front of each other, both looking down, not knowing what to say or do. That was, until Jisung came back with I don't even know how many bags. "I GOT THE FOOD" he yelled down the street, holding the bags up high for us to see. "Say Lix, is it just me or do you guys eat a LOT?" Felix laughed awkwardly while rubbing the nape of his neck. "Let's say practicing this much takes a lot of energy, so we need to refill it."

I ran up to Jisung to take over two bags, but Felix immediately took those two out of my hands. "You're not carrying anything!" He continued walking as Jisung and I both watched him. "Say, was he always like this?" I shook my head a bit astonished. "Usually I was the one to do those kinds of things, no idea what happened while he was gone!"

We shook it off and continued walking home again, catching up to Felix. "Is it going to be okay, with you and Minho and all?" I asked quietly, a bit scared for his answer, but Felix seemed rather calm. "Let me tell you something about the difference between girl fights and boy fights. Girls argue once and hate each other 10 years later. Boys fight for 5 minutes and after everything is usually good again. "Don't worry, it'll be alright."

As Felix said, shortly after we got inside, everything seemed like normal again. They both apologized, even though it was rather awkward at first, but Jisung's loudness quickly turned it back. "Y/N, you should probably at least get your key from your parent, I don't want you locked out again" Felix said after a while. "You're right. Why don't you spend some time with the boys? I should probably tell mom I stayed over at your place last night!" Felix agreed, but with a somewhat sad smile. "Will you be back later?" I flicked his forehead. "Of course dummy! See you later!" and with that, I went home.

"Y/N?" my mom asked confused as she opened the door. "I thought you were upstairs?" I awkwardly laughed. "I sort of left my keys at home so slept over at Felix's place." Her brows furrowed. "You slept over at a boys place?" I let out a sigh. "Mom it's Felix! Like, we literally used to sleep over every day!" "That was when you were younger, it's different now!" "Whatever" I said as I slipt past her, running up to my room, where my keys were as well. I threw myself on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. "He's actually back..."

I got my photo album from my drawer, looking back at all of the pictures of me and Felix when we were younger, unable to stop smiling. "If only you knew how much I missed you" "Oh, you missed me?" a voice echoed, making me instantly close the album. "Lix? But what about the rest? I thought you-" He put his finger on his lips, making me fall quiet. "I sneaked in through the balcony, the rest thinks I'm taking a shower!" I looked out, indeed just seeing the doors to the balcony open. "You really are an idiot you know?" He sat on the bed, holding me tight. "At least I'm your idiot."

"Y/N, your dad and I are going out for a while, there's dinner in the fridge! Oh, and don't think of sleeping over at a boys' house again without consulting us first." Felix and I looked at each other, both trying to hold back our laughter. "I won't mom, bye!" "Bye sweetheart!" When the door closed, we burst out in laughter. "Hey, she never said I can't sleep here?" "Just go back to the others you idiot" I laughed as I tried to pull him up from the bed. "No" he said, pulling me back in his arms, both falling back on the bed with me laying on top of him. "I've spent so much time with them already, I want to be with you." A red tint once again appeared on my face as I could feel his grip tighten a little. "I really missed you too Y/N."

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