28 🌻

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I thought it was impossible to dislike a person more than I disliked Seo-Yeon, but gosh, she really had to outdo herself. Congrats, you're officially ranked the worst person I know. Trying to cheat was one thing, but actually going around with a guy when trying to hit on two others, that topped it all. It was as if an innocent facede literally took over her body. "You two lovebirds won't tell Lix on me right? He's so innocent, it's cute. I wanna keep him around longer."

The disgust I had for Seo-Yeon was honestly nothing new angmore, but the way the guy next to hear didn't even seemed bothered by it? Well that was even weirder. "Dude, you do know the girl you're with is trying to cheat on you right?" I asked in disbelief as he still didn't seem to care. He simply shrugged, nodding. "Oh, I know, but who cares? I get to be with this cute and sexy celebrity, good enough for me" he said with a smirk as he kissed Seo-Yeon's lips once more.

At first the shock seemed to completely erase the pain, but as shock turned more into disbelief and loathing, the pain was piercing through more and more. "Is everything okay here?" the cafés owner asked, almost sounding threatening. Not to me and Chan of course, the guy seemed to have followed the conversation quite well. Seo-Yeon nodded with a sweet smile, holding onto her boyfriend's hand. "Of course, we were just going! Have a good date you two" she said with a wink and kiss as the two left.

"How's your hand? Are you okay there sweetheart?" the owner asked as he turned back to me. I nodded silently, but it my face clearly showed a different story. "Come on, let's cool it down in the kitchen shall we? I'll get you some new tea, and don't worry about the bill. Today's on me kiddos, don't want your date to start off badly because of one nasty girl." Me and Chan looked at each other surprised, but happy. The owner was right, we couldn't let our date be ruined by her.

After about ten minutes I got to sit back together with Chan again, the souffle pancakes just served. Since the burn wasn't too bad I didn't need a bandage around it. Guess I still had some luck. "Here, you try the first bite" Chan said with his fork already right in front of me. "Smart, seeing if you won't get poisoned huh?" I joked, gladly accepting it. Honestly, even if I'd get poisoned, the food would be worth it. And seriously, this definitely was.

"Chwan, thwis ish delicioushw" I mumbled excited like a little kid, making Chan laugh. I unknowingly stopped chewing, only paying attention to his laugh. Gosh, it was adorable. Chan now took a bite himself too, also seeming to enjoy it. I quickly shook my thoughts away before he could notice my stare, focusing on the food. Can't let it get cold.

My mind wandered back to Felix once again. Would it really be okay not to tell him about all this? Should I have taken a picture to prove she was lying to him? Yes, I understood. It's best to find things out on your own, but this? It could take forever for him to find out, knowing how dense he is. Seo-Yeon would leave tomorrow, the concert tonight might just be one of the last moments they'd see each other. Who knows what she would do. She could even try to convince Felix to stop being an idol and stay with her. Her dating ban was over anyways. Losing Felix again, the thought alone was unbearable.

"Y/N? Does your hand still hurt?" Chan asked, once again bringing me back into reality. "You haven't moved it in a while" he added a bit concerned. I promptly ate three more bites at once, smiling again. "I'm fwine!" I said with my mouth full. Again. Why am I thinking about Felix again? Again and again and again and again. If only I wouldn't have seen Seo-Yeon just now, maybe then I would stop worrying about him.

Chan suddenly ruffled my hair with a sweet smile. "Don't force yourself to smile, okay? I get it. Let's just try to forget about her for now. We'll worry later tonight, right now I'm gonna try to  make you focus on only me" he said smoothly. "I'd like to see you try" I teased back, my fake smile changing into a real one. He was almost too perfect to be true.

"Are you really sure we don't have to pay, sir? You more than deserve it, it was the best thing I've ever tasted in my life" I offered once again as we were about to leave, but the owner still shook his head. "I'm sure, trust me. As long as you promise to come back again soon, for you two I'll always have a spot free!" Chan and I both smiled, nodding. "We promise, thanks again!" The owner smiled back. "Now you two have fun, off you go" he said, jokingly pushing us towards the exit. "We will, goodbye! Thank you!" I called out once more before leaving together.

As we continued walking, Chan suddenly went around me to my other side. I looked up confused with a small giggle. "What are you doing?" Chan took my hand in his, holding it up. "I can't risk hurting your other hand even more, so now I had to put in all this effort just to hold your hand. So much for being sneaky" he laughed with a sigh, making me laugh as well. "You're weird, but I like it."

Chan's eyes had a small glinster in them, a new spark of hope flaring up inside him. If only she knew much he just wanted to say

"And I like you."

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