27 🌻

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"Sunshine, get up" a voice called out softly. My eyes fluttered open, blinking a couple of times to adjust my eyesight. "Fe...lix?" I asked slowly. I hadn't seen him at all after the shower incident yesterday. "Chan is here to pick you up, so you should probably get up. I'll stall him in the meantime so be quick okay?" He stood up from the side of my bed, but I instantly grabbed his wrist to stop him.

"Lix, why didn't you tell me you were gone yesterday? I only heard about it because Chan came by later, did you have any idea how worried I was? I thought something happened to you" I said concerned. Felix looked down guilty, slowly pulling his hand back. "I'm sorry, I'll tell you later, okay? I gotta go back to Chan now." He walked out, closing the door behind him, leaving me with a bad feeling. Something was off, but he clearly didn't want to tell me. I sighed, getting up. I couldn't force him to tell me, I'd just have to wait for him whenever he was ready.

I looked in the mirror one last time, checking my outfit. Was it too much? Or too little? What do people even wear on a date? I took my bracelet off, trading it for a watch. It should at least be pretty functional too. I hesitantly went downstairs, hearing the faint laughter of the two guys be louder with every step. A smile appeared on my face, glad the two seemed to be having fun despite all that had been going on.

"Ah, Y/N" Felix noticed first, looking my way, his laughter turning into a  bright smile. Chan turned around, his mouth slightly agape, his eyes widening. I smiled back shyly, looking down at the stairs. I looked back, seeing Felix lightly hit Chan's arm, making him come back to reality. "Hi" he said breathlessly, still dazed. "Hi" I chuckled back, growing more and more embarrassed by the second. It wasn't like I dressed up that much anyways, so why would he even be so stunned? It was kind of adorable though, that's for sure.

Felix sighed, pulling Chan towards me. "Alright you love birds, if I wanted to watch a romantic movie I would have putten one up, now you go have fun somewhere outside where I can't see you" he laughed. He held the door open, his arm waving a gesture to go out. Chan and I looked at each other as he held out his hand. "Shall we then?" I laughed nervously, taking his hand. "Sure." Felix made a barfing expression, making Chan and me both burst out in laughter. "We get it, we get it, we're going alright" I said, jokingly rolling my eyes at him. "Don't come back until you're done with all the flirting, I don't have to see any of it in here!" he called after us when we went out, dramatically closing the door.

I looked back with another smile, soon looking up at Chan to see him staring at me with a loving gaze. "What?" I asked again giggly, my ears growing completely red now. He shook his head, keeping the lovestruck smile. "Nothing" he simply said, rocking our hands back and forth. As we kept on walking, I continuesly glanced up, seeing him stare back every time. "Whaaat?" I now laughed as I caught him for the so maniest time. He burst out in a shy laughter, saying "whaaat?" back teasingly.

"Come ooon, why do you keep staring?" I finally asked. "I can't help it, you're too pretty not to stare at" he defended himself, his ears growing red as well now. Before I could argue with him he sprinted forward a bit, holding open the door to a cute yet small cafe. "Wait, I recognize this, isn't this place quite famous?" I asked amazed, quickly catching up. Chan nodded with a grin. "My dad knows the owner of this place, so I got lucky and was able to make a reservation on such short notice!" My mouth fell slightly open in amazement, my thumbs going up. "You're the best!"

Chan had a proud smile as he followed me in. The place was even cuter than in all the posts I had seen about it. "Chan, this place really looks good" I said in amazement, looking around me. It was decorated with cute neon lights, some cute plants with it and it had an overall calm and sweet vibe. "Chris, I see you made it" a man's voice called out loudly, startling me. "It's nice to see you again sir, thank you so much for getting me a seat so shortly." The man laughed, shaking his head. "It's no problem, everything for you and your cute girlfriend over here."

Chan loosely wrapped his arm around my shoulder, mouthing a 'soon to be' after him, but the man already didn't hear it anymore. "You two can sit here, I'll bring you your pancakes shortly" he said with a wink. "Pancakes?" I asked as my eyes started glinstering. We both sat down, some tea already on the small table. "Even better, souffle pancakes" he whispered, making me literally gasp in excitement. "I've always wanted to eat those" I exclaimed, maybe a bit too loud. I instantly covered my mouth with my hand, realizing how loud I actually was, only making Chan laugh even more.

Suddenly a person bumped into our table, making the tea spill over my hand. "Ah!" I let out in pain, instantly pulling it back. "Y/N, are you okay?" Chan instantly asked, already getting up to check. He softly took hold of my hand, making sure the burn wasn't severe before looking back at the person who caused it. "Excuse me, I think an apology would be welcome here" he called out firmly, finally making the person turn back, pulling away from the heated make out session she seemed to be having. In the middle of a cafe. Gross.

She looked back, at first annoyed, yet later on more amused than ever before. "Well well, if it isn't Channie and Y/N?" she asked with a smirk, keeping her hands around the guy's neck. Disgust came over me, a feeling of hatred brewing inside of me.


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