30 🌻

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"Channie" I started, swinging our intertwined hands back and forth. "Hmmm? What is it princess?" he mumbled, that addicting smile stuck on his face. "I'm really glad everything turned out like this, but I think we might need to figure out soon what will happen around your guy's debut and all" I muttered. We'd probably have to break it off for a few years, I couldn't get in the way of his dream. If I did that, would I even be allowed to say I loved him? I didn't think so.

"I know, but for now let's just focus on being with each other when we still can okay? I want to enjoy every minute of it." He giggled shyly, giving him a small peck on the cheek when we had reached our homes. "Sounds like a good plan" I smiled, slowly letting go of his hand. "It's already late, we should probably go to bed huh?" he asked, a hint of sadness in his voice. It was clear he wanted to stay longer, which I just couldn't help but find adorable. "We should" I answered. I wanted to stay longer too, but my eyes could barely even stay open anymore.

Chan pulled me closer by the waist, kissing me once more. "Goodnight Y/N. Dream of me okay?" I chuckled, nodding. "Only if you dream of me too." I opened the door, looking back at Chan once more. "Goodnight Channie." "Goodnight princess." I was about to turn around, but Chan stopped me. "Wait, Y/N" he called out. "How would you feel about meeting my parents and all? I know it's probably way too soon and all, but my siblings will probably love you, and my parents too, and-"

"Sounds good" I chuckled, cutting off his rambling, making him even shyer. "I'll see you tomorrow then" he smiled. "Meet you out here at 11?" I nodded. "I'll see you then!" I finally went inside, watching him  walk away with the brightest smile I had ever seen from him, automatically smiling like an idiot as well. It felt like nothing could ruin my day now.

That only lasted a while though, until I saw Felix and Seo-Yeon together, the house somehow looking emptier than it did before. Of course, the concert. This was probably the last night she was here. Thank goodness. Felix hadn't noticed me yet, but Seo-Yeon was already staring at me with a cocky smirk. "I see your date with Chan went well?" she asked, making Felix turn to me in an instant with a face griever than ever.

"It did actually..." I said warily. What was she trying to do now? She walked up to Felix, glinging onto his arm. "Lix, this answers your question right? So you'll come with me right?" My brows furrowed. What the heck was she talking about? My eyes shifted to Felix for answers, but he just looked even sadder than before. "I need some time alone" he muttered, getting out of Seo-Yeon's grip, going outside. Seo-Yeon ran up to the door, shouting loudly after him. "You promised you'd move back with me if they started dating!"


"Seo-Yeon, you know I can't do that. I'll debut soon, there's no way I can give that all up now. I could never do that to the other's. I can't give up on my dream" Felix answered. Seo-Yeon sighed. Her facade seemed to be going down for a second, but she quickly picked herself up again. "Come on, why not? Are those guys really worth it? The first thing they did was accuse you, meaning they don't trust you at all. And come on, Chan is even stealing the girl you love now. Why would you stay for people like that?"

Felix couldn't help but look pained. Sure things weren't always smooth, but they still cared a lot about each other. Seo-Yeon picked up on his slight doubt. "I wasn't going to say this, but I saw them at breakfast this morning..." she started, trying oh so hard to still look innocent. Felix looked up at her, wanting to know more. "Ah, I don't know if I can say this... I don't want to hurt you." Now Felix was even more eager to know. "What happened?"

Seo-Yeon sighed, but on the inside she was laughing hysterically. She had him. "I went out to see an old friend of mine when I saw the two sitting at a table. I heard them talking about you... Mainly Chan, but he wasn't exactly nice about you." Seo-Yeon paused for a second, seeing Felix's interest grow. Oh how easy it was to fool him. Maybe that's why he didn't bore her. There was something cute about him.

"I won't go into too much detail, but he was really bad mouthing you, saying how bad of a person you were and how she shouldn't trust you. I think he was trying to make sure that she wouldn't like you back." Felix didn't know what to think. No, Chan wouldn't do that, right? Of course he knew that Chan loved her, but to purposely badmouth him? He wouldn't do that...

That's when Seo-Yeon started crying, startling Felix. "Lix, I'm so sorry. It's just not fair to you! I didn't want you to find out like this, but they really aren't good people! I don't want you to do that!" No... Chan wouldn't badmouth him... and even if he did, he especially wouldn't date her after, right? Their friendship was worth way more than losing over a girl... it was, right? "If Chan and Y/N really start dating, I'll consider it, but no promises" he ended the conversation with.

Chan wouldn't do that to him. He was sure.

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