18 🌻

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"Thanks for getting me out of there Chan, really... I feel like you're always saving me even though we barely know each other" I said laughingly, looking down at our still intertwined hands. Chan sighed, staring forward. "Don't worry about it. I just think what Felix is doing isn't right. He's like a little brother to me, but I don't think he's treating you fairly." I didn't even know how to answer. "In his defense, he doesn't know about my feelings for him" I answered, trying to somehow justify it all in my head.

Chan shook his head. "You know what? No more Felix for the day. I have a girl to cheer up now." I chuckled upon seeing his determined face. "Don't worry, you don't actually have to. I just said it to get away from those two." Chan laughed, giving me an 'are-you-an-idiot' look. "Apparently I promised you we're watching movies all day, I can't back out of a promise now can I?" I laughingly shook my head, rocking our hands back and forth. "I guess you can't no."

"Y/N, why don't you go turn the TV on and put on something nice? I'll just get some food from next door" Chan called out as soon as we were in front of my house. I quickly nodded, smiling brightly at him. "Thanks again Chan, really!" He sent a small wink, opening his door. "No problem, I was literally waiting to get away from her. I'll tell you the story in a sec!" And with that, he disappeared inside.

As soon as I got inside my phone rang, revealing Lix's name. I hesitantly stared at it, finally picking up. "...Lix?" I heard him sigh from the other side of the line. "Finally, I called you about a thousand times!" I quickly went to my call log, seeing 9 missed calls in such a short time. "Lix, why did you call so many times? Everything okay?" Felix let out an annoyed sigh. "Of course not, you suddenly disappeared from me! You could have told me earlier if you and Chan were hanging out..."

I stayed quiet for a while. "I know it wasn't fair of me to just disappear, but I just felt like a third wheel... As soon as you saw Seo-Yeon, it felt like I completely disappeared. Since she won't be here for long, I thought I'd just let you two spend time together instead." This time it was Felix's turn to fall quiet for a few seconds before he let out another sigh. "I was supposed to let you see how to treat you right, yet I feel like in that short time I already failed at it. I'm really sorry Y/N, I am, but I want you to know that just because she's important to me, it doesn't mean you aren't. You still are, and will forever be my number 1 girl, don't forget that okay? I'll let Chan off this once for stealing you, but tomorrow you're all mine for a redo." I finally smiled again. "Thanks Lix, really. You go have fun with Seo-Yeon, just text me later what you wanna do for dinner."

The door slowly unlocked behind me, Chan coming in with a box full on food. He came in with a bright smile, which quickly changed into a curious gaze. "Chan is back with food, so I gotta go. I'll talk to you later!" "Bye bye, have fun on your date, love you!" "It's not a da-" before I could finish Felix already hung up. I let out a sigh, turning to Chan. "Felix called to see if everything was okay, that's all." Chan nodded in understanding, quickly handing me the box for him to take his shoes off.

"Are you two okay?" he asked, taking the box back from me. I hummed, finally taking my shoes off as well. "We are! He promised me, or rather claimed me to hang out tomorrow instead, saying I was still his number 1 girl... Not really helping with forgetting him, but it feels good to at least have him as a friend." Chan smiled, coming back to the living room with two plates. "I'm glad to see you two made up, couldn't have two of my favorite people be sad now can I?" I playfully hit his arm with mine. "Come on, you barely know me. I can't possibly be one of your favorite people already!" Chan simply shrugged, keeping his bright smile. "Who knows."

We finally started eating, both awfully hungry. "Do you know the movie your name? It's one of my favorite movies of all time" Chan suggested as we were looking for a movie to watch. My eyes widened, cheeks puffy as they were stored with food. "Do you want me to cry?" Chan laughed, shaking his head. "At least I'd have an excuse to hug you?" I rolled my eyes, secretly laughing on the inside. "Fine, but don't blame me if your shirt gets tear stains on it!" Chan chuckled, loosely draping his arm around my shoulder. "That's a risk I'm willing to take."

Just as Chan and I predicted, I ended up in his arms, and his shirt was ruined. "Why did we do this to ourselves again?" I asked, still sniffing. Chan let out a chuckle, rubbing my arm. "Oh, by the way, what was going on with you and Seo-Yeon? Didn't think you two were close." Chan let out a sigh. "We're not. Frankly I'm still not sure why she wanted to talk to me, but I'm just glad you got me out of there in all honesty."

I looked up to him with a curious gaze. "What's up? You seem to dislike her." Chan stayed quiet for a while, looking to his side to see Felix and Seo-Yeon happily walking past, both hand in hand. Chan looked back at me, seeing me stare at them. Chan put his hand in front of my eyes, making me unable to look.

"She tried to cheat on Felix with me."

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