34 🌻

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The hallways seemed to clear as most people headed to the front exit. I opened the first and best emergency exit, pulling Felix outside with me, running until the airport was no longer in sight. We finally stopped as we spotted a bench, almost falling down on it in exhaustion. I leaned back, trying desperately to catch my breath.

"I think we lost her" I panted, looking around just to be sure. Seo-Yeon wasn't anywhere to be seen luckily enough. "Y/N, do you have any idea in how much trouble you'd get if they find out you're the one to hit a false alarm? You just delayed I don't know how many flights!" Shoot. Didn't think about that. "You don't think they'd send me to prison right?" I spurted out, eyes wide open. Felix's just gave me the same shocked look. "No clue!" I sinked into my seat, head buried in my hands. "I'm doomed aren't I?" Felix shook his head. "Probably."

I finally looked up again, remembering why I got here in the first place. "Lix, what was all this about? You weren't actually going to leave were you?" There was the question he was too afraid to bring up. He looked down, purposely avoiding my gaze. "Lix?" I insisted, finally making him speak. "Why do you think I called you? I didn't want to leave either." "Then why would you even go there in the first place? Felix, this isn't like you at all!"

"Seo-Yeon asked me to come with her, saying we could start over. I just felt so lost it was the only thing I could think of. Apparently she booked a flight early, it wasn't until the last minute that I realized what I was doing." Of course, it was her again. "Felix, you have to trust me, she's deceiving you! Chan and I saw her at the breakfast with some other guy, she literally told us that she's just using you! Felix, I'm begging you, you can't trust her!"

Felix sighed. "Seo-Yeon told me about the breakfast... about your topic of conversation as well." Topic of conversation? Oh no no no, the lie she told him about Chan. "Listen, I don't know exactly what she said, but she's lying. Felix, you know Chan would never say something bad about you." This only ticked Felix off. "How would you know about that he didn't actually do so?" 

I swear, she really had him fooled good. "Right after you left she told me about how she just told a little lie about that to manipulate you. Felix, I'm begging you, I don't want you to get hurt. Why can't you see she's just using you?" Felix sighed. "I guess love makes blind."

Not that he loved Seo-Yeon, he knew that all too well. That was the entire reason he last minute called. Even if it was his only way out, it wasn't right and he knew it all too damned well. But in this case, his love for Y/N made him blind.

"Listen, I don't want to fight with you again. I feel like that's all we've been doing recently" he stated a little discouraged. I sighed. He was right. We finally made up and here we were again. "If you don't mind me asking, what made you change your mind?" I asked after an awkward silence, making him look up at me again. "You know, what made you decide to not go after all?" A little "ah" escaped his mouth, an awkward smile on his face.

"Is it too cringy if I say it's because of you?" he chuckled, the awkward atmosphere finally seeming to disappear. I lightly hit his arm, looking away laughingly. "Come on, don't tease me like that." Felix shook his head, to my surprise actually looking quite serious. "No really, I mean it. I just thought back of all the time I spent here and that frankly, no time with Seo-Yeon was ever better than the time I spent here all these years with you."

My heart seemed to melt like snow suddenly exposed to a warm ray of sunshine. "Okay but that was way too cute" I muttered. Felix chuckled, taking me in his arms and continuing. "I'll talk to her if she's still here tomorrow okay?" I hummed, closing my eyes with a smile until Felix suddenly pushed me away again, the both of us rather startled. "I... probably shouldn't be doing this anymore should I?" My brows furrowed instantly. "Why not? We cuddled for as long as I can remember!"

Felix shook his head with a smile, ruffling my hair. "I don't think Chan would appreciate it a lot if I were to constantly hug his date." Ah... he did make a very good point. "Girlfriend actually" I whispered softly, still feeling weird about it somehow. "Though I honestly think he might be mad at me" I quickly added. Felix looked back at me concerned. "Why? Is everything okay?" I quickly nodded without thinking. I mean, he did sound okay with it in the end.

"I was supposed to meet his parents today, but you called and I totally forgot about it... he said he understood, but I still feel like he's kinda mad at me" I pouted. Felix pursed his lips, rubbing the nape of his neck. "I'm sorry... I somehow always feel like I come in at bad timings." I quickly shook my head. "No no, don't worry! I'm really glad you called, we were all worried sick about you." Felix finally smiled again. "I should probably come back and have a talk with them shouldn't I?" I nodded, trying to keep my laugh in. "You probably should."

Felix stood up, stretching his arms. "Then let's go back! I really need to talk with the guys, and I think you should have a chat with Chan too to sort things out." I hummed, a small smile on my face. "I will." "If I get murdered, remember I love you!" Felix dramatically cried out. I finally bursted out in laughter, linking my arm with his. "I love you too idiot."

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