20 🌻

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I turned back to Chan confused. "Look," he started with a sigh. "I promised I wouldn't tell anyone, if Lix were to find out, it will break his heart. In the end she stopped and didn't do anything, so let's just keep it at this." I was in dubio. I still felt like I had to tell him, because what she did wasn't right, but Chan had done so much for me, I'd only bring him trouble in return. I owed him at least this much.

"You're right" I said eventually, looking down embarrassed as his gaze was still fixated on me. "Don't worry, I won't tell him" I added, seeing how tense he still was. Chan finally relaxed a little, a smile slowly coming back. He pulled me closer to him in a hug, his head resting in the crook of my neck. "Thank Y/N, really." Chan quickly let go again, his ears bright red. "I'm sorry" he muttered, stepping back a little, falling back on the couch. I chuckled, sitting back down as well. "Don't worry about it, I literally cried out in your arms and ruined your shirt, this is nothing now." Chan smiled, his ears still red, pulling me back in his arms. "If it's nothing anymore, I want more cuddles" he stated cutesy as he put on another movie.

"Sunshine, are you home?" Felix's voice rang through the hallway after a couple of hours. Chan and I had already watched about a ton of movies, the both of us still in each other's arms. "I am" I called back. Felix finally came in the living room, a little surprised to see me and Chan still together. He sat down on the couch on my other side, looking rather awkward.

"Did you two eat dinner yet?" he asked quietly, staring at the TV screen to see what we were watching. I shook my head, too focused on the movie to really reply. The actors were about to kiss, I couldn't stop watching now. Chan looked over at the clock, letting out a sigh as he paused the movie, earning an annoyed whine from me. "Right now? Come ooon, why!" Chan chuckled, rubbing my arm before letting go of me, standing up. "I promised the guys I'd take care of dinner, so I should probably go. Do you guys wanna eat over?"

Before I could agree, Felix heavily shook his head. "We'll eat here, but thanks." Chan nodded, glancing at me for my approval. I quickly nodded too, a small smile on my face. Chan now smiled as well, ruffling my hair. "I'll go now, let's continue the movie soon okay Y/N? I'll see you two later" he said before leaving.

It stayed quiet for a small while. "Li-" "Y/N-" we eventually called out at the same time, finally looking at each other. We both laughed, the tense feeling gone again. "You go first" I chuckled, finally relaxing a bit again. Felix looked back at the window, seeing Chan go in the house next door. "I know I teased you saying have fun on your date, but I didn't think you'd actually be so close already" he said somewhat uncomfortable.

I gazed at him, trying to read his expression. "I guess he just helped me a lot already with things, the shower thing as well. Apparently he knew!" I answered, already getting worked up about it again at just remembering. Felix's mouth fell open, eyes as wide as you could possibly imagine. "No!" he yelled, his hands on his cheeks. I burst out in laughter at him, playfully hitting his arm. "Did you at least explain what happened?" he asked in horror. I fell quiet, only just realizing as well, "I didn't..."

"Doomed. We're doomed!" Felix yelled again. He instantly stood up, pulling me up as well. "Y/N, we gotta find him right now before he misunderstands and tells the rest!" I couldn't stop laughing, tugging on his arm to make him stop. "Don't worry, I'm sure he knows. He promised me not to tell anyone else as well, so we're good." Felix shook his head, still obviously shaken up. "He knew... he knew" he muttered, taking me in his arms again.

The hug once again lasted longer than normal, just like this morning. "Lix... is everything okay?" I asked slowly, trying to look at him. He wouldn't let me, putting my head firmly against his chest. "I don't know Y/N. I don't know what's wrong with me, but everything feels weird. I finally have you back, yet somehow it feels like we're just drifting away. I don't like it, I don't want it. I need you right by my side, now and forever. Seeing you so close with Chan just now made me feel anxious somehow, and I don't even know why. It's annoying."

I couldn't answer. If I didn't know better, it would have sounded like a confession. But with Felix, it couldn't be. He was in love with another. "Y/N, please promise me that you'll stay with me no matter what. I don't think I could handle losing again." I wrapped my arms around him tighter, sniffing quietly. "I don't want to lose you either Lix. With you and Seo-Yeon so close, it just felt like I had been replaced. That's when Chan came and comforted me. I was just scared of losing you again."

Felix looked down at me, wiping a tear away. "My little sunflower, I promise that no matter what, you'll always be my best friend, don't forget that. I'll always be here for you, no matter what. I love you" he said, kissing the top of my head.

"I love you too.... best friend."

✔my sunflower • Lee Felix✔Where stories live. Discover now