Chapter 25

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Sorry in advance, it's getting dark in this part!


Stiles jerked awake he looked wildly around him only to see that he was in a dark room. The ground felt damp and filthy. Stiles felt damp and filthy.

''Hello? Is someone there?'' Stiles yelled into the darkness. There was no response, and Stiles felt like he was alone. He tried to stand and was relieved that he wasn't bound.

He was wobbly for a moment but finally stood and started to walk. His hand was against the wall. He kept walking along with it. Feeling if there was a hole, a breeze, something that could tell him where he was.

He could hear a growl coming from somewhere. He turned around but saw nothing.

''Hello? Derek? Scott? Who is there?'' He asked the darkness, but still no response.

He kept walking further, not wanting to let the fear take over. He tried to reach for his spark, his magic, but only felt a static. Like it was dulled. He kept counting his breaths, one two three in, one two three out. Not wanting to get a panic attack.

After walking for at least fifteen minutes, he realized that he was walking in circles. His eyes were now also used to the dark. It was a round room, and it seemed like the walls and floor were from sand, he was underground, and that did not help with his rising panic.

He finally saw some kind of light shining through a part in the ceiling. He quickly went to that patch and strained his eyes to look outside. It was as if he was looking through branches, but he saw glimpses of the sky above. He saw an almost full moon.

''HEY! I'M DOWN HERE! DEREK! NIC! DAD! SCOTT!'' Stiles yelled and yelled, but he couldn't hear anything besides his own echo.

He even tried to howl to get the wolves' attention, but it sounded broken even to his own ears. Soon his throat was scratchy, and he stopped yelling, knowing that at the moment, nobody would hear him.

He felt tired and cursed himself for not just kill Blake on the spot. She did this to him. She took him away to someplace unknown. Took him away from his dad, pack, and mates.

He finally sat down again, feeling empty and drained. He didn't even know that he was drifting off until he heard a rustle of branches.

It was a lot lighter now in his room. It seemed that he had at least slept for a couple of hours because sunlight was streaming through the gaps of branches where he saw the moon through last night.

The branches started to move like magic, getting out of the way, the wall even turned into a kind of stairs. Stiles tried to take a step forward, intending to throw himself at the intruder and fight his way out. But his body was frozen. He strained against invisible bounds but couldn't move. Again he reached for his magic, but only a dull throb was felt. Not like the raging fire it normally was. The cloud with lightning felt like it had evaporated in thin air.

Finally, the figure was on the ground and turned to look at him. The cold eyes of Jennifer Blake stared at him with a killing smirk.

''What is it, hun? Cat caught your tongue?'' Blake said while cackling.

Stiles really tried to hold himself back, he sure was afraid, but he didn't want to die, but sarcasm is his default setting, and like hell, he would let Blake win.

''No, my wolf boyfriend did,'' Stiles said with a smirk. Thank god he could use his mouth. It would be a shame otherwise.

''Trying to be smart, Stiles? You can try, but I think you will not want to use your mouth for smart comebacks anymore with what I have in store for you. I think you are too busy with something else.''

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