Chapter 3

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His heart breaks a little more every minute he is further away. Those were his friends or people he thought of as friends. Derek.. The guy he had a crush on from day one. He knew Derek hated his guts, but this wasn't what he was expecting, and it hurt like a bitch.

When he pulls over at his house, he sees the lights turned on and the cruiser in the driveway. He almost forgot that he is supposed to talk to his father about everything. But he needs to tell him. It doesn't matter how tired or emotionally wrung out he is. He needs to tell his dad everything.

He gets out of his jeep and hobbles to the door. Before he can open it, his dad swings it inside.

His dad looks at him, and Stiles can see tears forming in his eyes.

''Dad.'' He croaks, and he burst out crying. His dad quickly pulls him into a crushing hug, and Stiles clings to him like a five-year-old toddler.

''O, son, let's get inside.'' They walk together to the living room, still holding each other. It's awkward, but Stiles doesn't mind. He just wants to hold his father.

''Tell me everything.'' John Stilinski says. And Stiles does. He starts with Scotts bite, Derek, Kate, Peter, Jackson, Boyd, Erica, Isaac, Matt, the Kanima, the hunters, the kidnapping, the torture, the almost rape, the almost kills, and then how he escaped.

''I don't know what it was, dad, but I killed those assholes. I believed they would get what was coming for them. I believed so hard. And next thing I know, they're screaming and are in flames. I need you to believe me. I don't know how it happened. But I killed two people...''

His dad was silent the entire time. He looked furious when he heard everything from the kidnapping and the torture. But he stayed silent.

''O, kiddo.'' He pulled Stiles again in a hug and kissed his forehead.

''You didn't kill them. Your magic did. I'm so sorry that you got into all of this. I tried to make sure you wouldn't be a part of any of it. I really thought that your magic wouldn't come forward if you were kept away from the supernatural world. Your mother bound it like that when you were two, so you wouldn't attract the wrong people.'' John explains.

Stiles reels back. His dad knew about everything? All along? What the fuck!

''You knew? You know I have magic? How?''

John sighs and gets up. He gestures for Stiles to wait. When he gets down again, he has a book in his hands. It seems like a diary.

''This was your mothers. You get your magic from her side of the family. She wrote this especially for you because she knew that you would inherit her powers. She saw that you had a spark in you. Even when you were little. I do know about the supernatural world. And I knew the Hales where werewolves. I didn't know about anything else. I tried to stay out of it as much as possible, so you wouldn't come in touch with it. I was trying to protect you, kiddo. But it seems that failed miserably.'' John says with a little grumble.

Stiles feels his mouth twitch like it is trying to smile. But after the events of the last 24 hours, it's not possible at the moment. He carefully takes the book from his dad. He feels a longing coming from the book as if it can't wait to be read.

''I was trying to protect you, that's why I didn't tell you anything before this. You said that my magic killed those men. Isn't that the same as that I did it?'' Stiles asks, unsure if he wants to hear the answer.

''No, it isn't the same. Your magic will do anything to protect you. It is part of you, that's correct. But it also is something apart from you. I can't really explain it because it isn't something I have or have felt. But I think Claudia wrote it in here. So read it. You will get more information about everything. But now, I want to clean your wounds. I think you don't want to go to the hospital. So let me take care of you, kiddo. Please.'' John says before getting the first aid kid when Stiles nods.

Stiles is still reeling from the fact that his dad knows everything about the supernatural. And that his mother was magical too. He pulls the diary close and hugs it to himself. When his dad gets back, he reluctantly lets go of the book long enough to get out of his shirts. His dad gasps when he sees Stiles's torso.

Stiles blushes and winched. He knew it will look bad. He wasn't something to look at before, know he will have scars to top it off. Fun times.

''What happened after you got away? You called me, but you said you needed to do something before you got home. What happened?'' His dad asks it's just to distract himself from the fact that he wants to wake up the dead hunters and kill them again after seeing his Son's naked torso. He busies himself to clean the cuts and burns. Listening intently to the rest of the tale.

''And then,'' Stiles swallows around the lump in his throat. All the bravery he felt when confronting Derek long gone. And the emptiness he feels comes crashing back. ''And then, Derek told me I wasn't pack. And never will be pack. Dad, I feel so stupid. I trusted them. But Scott didn't even notice I was hurt. Or taken. Jackson is already a Jackass, so I didn't expect anything of him. Isaac just stood there. Peter, well is Peter.. Enough said. Lydia seemed sympathetic. But she just got Jackson back, so I don't expect anything from her. And Derek. He broke my heart, dad. I.. I was in love with him. And he broke my heart.'' Stiles said with a tremor in his voice. His dad pulls him in a hug again, and Stiles sobs against his dad's shoulder. He wants to sleep for a week. Or a month, and just don't want to face anyone.

''Shhh, Stiles, everything will be alright. And he, I'm sorry.''

''What are you sorry for? You didn't do anything.'' Stiles mumbles back.

''That I didn't believe you outside the Jungle that night. When you told me you could be gay.''

Stiles snorts. He didn't expect his dad to say that.

''Well, I still don't dress the part, I think.'' Stiles jokes back weakly.

''And it's more like bisexual. I still like girls, and the only guy I ever liked is Derek. I mean, there is a lot of hot guys in school. But only Derek got my attention.''

''Too much information, kiddo, on the hot guys in school part that is.'' His dad says with a smile on his lips. Stiles smiles softly back.

''Let's get you into bed. Your mother had a couple of potions that can help keep the dreams away. I think you need that right now. So you get in bed. I will be there in a second to give it to you.''

Stiles did as was told and got ready for bed. When he lied down, his whole body ached. The adrenaline and stress leaving his body when he was lying on his bed. He really wanted to sleep. Everything that happened was too much.

His dad got into his room and gave him a potion—just three drops to keep the dreams away, according to the instructions.

When the third drop hit his tongue, Stiles closed his eyes. Already on his way to a dreamless sleep. He did thought to himself that he needed to get better. To get his shit together, he didn't need the pack, and he wouldn't do it for them. He needed to be better for himself. Tomorrow will be the first day. Summer vacation just started, and Stiles was determined. But now, first. Sleep.

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