Chapter 12

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Stiles woke up, gasping for air. His nightmares were getting less, but he had them still a couple of nights. Luckily he knew that Nic was with him. So he knew she would calm him down.

''Breathe Stiles, that's it, in and out.''

Stiles? Martinique always called him Gen? He opened his eyes and saw Derek watching him with worried eyes. Shit. He forgot Martinique had pulled Derek in bed with them. He looked down and saw that Martinique had put his hand on her chest and her own hand on his chest. Breathing slowly so he would calm down and mimick her breathing.

It was helping, and the calming presence of Derek felt right. He knew that mates could calm each other through touch, and speech, now with his two mates next to him, he could feel himself calming a lot faster.

He lied back down and snuggled in Martinique's arms. He felt Derek's hand on his back. Derek was spooning Martinique and put his arm around her so he could stroke Stiles's back. He was felt his magic reaching out en envelop them. It made him feel warm inside. He still hadn't forgiven Derek, but the dude was already doing his best. Stiles could see that.

He almost was asleep again before he heard his phone beeping with his alarm.

''Aarrhhh, Nic, do we have to start at eight with studying?'' He whined. He felt Martinique kiss the top of his head.

''Yes, because you now also have to place wards around the loft, like you said you would do. And you promised John that you would bring him food for lunch. So we already don't have the whole day. And we need to communicate with the pack. Because apparently, the Alpha pack has Erica and Boyd, maybe with this information, we can find them.'' She said softly.

Stiles bolted upright and flailed a little. Martinique ducked out of the way, already used to Stiles, but Derek was a little too late and was slapped in the face. He growled a little, but there was no heat behind it, so Stiles ignored it.

''What? Does the Alpha pack have them? Are you sure?'' Stiles said at Derek, who was looking at him with something Stiles thought was amusement.

''Yes, they were taunting me yesterday. They wanted me to kill one of the betas so I would join them. When I refused to kill Jackson or Isaac, Deucalion suggested that it could also be Erica or Boyd. So we think they have them.'' Derek said.

Stiles was biting his lip and looking at Martinique with what you only could call puppy eyes.

''Babe... We really should start with finding Erica and Boyd.'' Stiles said while leaning down and scratching Martinique's head and placing kisses all over her face. She scrunched up her face and tried to scowl at Stiles. But Stiles clearly knew what he was doing because she laughed a little later.

''Yes, yes, we are going to start with finding Erica and Boyd. Derek, do you know if one of the Alpha pack bled in the loft yesterday? We only need a little blood.'' She said while indicating with her fingers a tiny drop.

''Yes, the big one, Ennis, he bled yesterday. Isaac went to town on him. He fought good.'' Derek said with pride in his voice.

''Ah, look at you, you just sound like a proud papa-wolf! I'm going to shower, and then I can transport us all back to the loft so we can get this show on the road!'' Stiles said while jumping out of bed and laughing when he saw Derek scowling at being called a papa-wolf.

Martinique laughed at Stiles's antics. She gave Derek an old soccer jersey and jeans big enough for him before she sent him to the other bathroom. Then she went to Lydia and Jackson's room and snuggled with them for a moment until the bathroom would be free again.

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