Chapter 5

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Stiles woke up around ten and just stayed in his bed for the next hour, just thinking about everything that happened last night. He still feels tired, and he aches everywhere, but he also feels the warmth in his chest; he now knows is his magic.

When he hears his dad downstairs in the kitchen, he gets up. Firstly getting a shower and he scrubs himself almost clean. He was startled a bit when he pulled the bandage away from the cut on his torso and only saw a thick red scar, but it was healed. His magic had healed him. He still had a lot of bruises. But the cut was the worst damage, and that was healed now.

After the shower, he got down and said his good morning to his dad before shoveling the breakfast inside his dad had made. He was starving. He showed his dad the scar, and his dad seemed relieved that it was healed.

''It still will be a scar, though. I will always have it. So no bikinis for me.'' Stiles tried to joke, but it fell flat.

''Kiddo, it doesn't matter that you have this scar. You are still beautiful. And now everybody can see how brave you are. You survived Stiles. That is not something everybody can say.'' His dad says.

Stiles blushes but doesn't comment. Normally he talks all over the place but after yesterday. He just can't let himself relax and babble in the silence. He needs to do something, and he starts reading the diary from his mother.

Dear Mieczyslaw Genim, Stiles, Mischief, Stilinski. When you read this, I will be gone, and you have had a run-in with the supernatural. I made your father swear that you wouldn't read this otherwise. I'm sorry we never told you, sweetheart, but we tried to keep you safe.

I'm a mage. You are one too. I'm not powerful. That's why my magic couldn't heal me. Yes, I know I'm sick, and I'm writing this knowing that I will die in a short future. I'm sorry to leave you behind sweetheart. But my fate was limited, but I got to have you and your father. And that made it worth it. I love you.

You need training to get to your full potential as a mage. When you are finished with your training, I believe nothing will be impossible for you.

I have a friend who lives in the preserve, her name is Talia Hale, she can help you with the training and have the right books to help you. If that isn't possible, for whatever reason, then there is a lake house in the preserve. In the back of the diary is a map, you need to get to that lake house, within you will find a library with everything you need to know. Unfortunately, no teacher, but you are smart Mischief, so I know you will figure it out, and you will be the best there is. Only you can go to the lake house. Only people with a spark and good intentions can get in. That's why your father can't go with you when you're going here. When you are there, you can train yourself and eventually change the wards so your father can come in too. If you want that, of course.

The rest of this book will contain information about my life as a mage. I hope you can use the information for your own life. Be safe, Mischief.

When Stiles put the book down, he wiped his eyes. He started crying after the first sentence. His father put his arm around Stiles's shoulder and hold him. He had been reading with his Son to see what his late wife had written.

''You will need to go to that lake house. You need to learn more about this life. To protect yourself.'' His dad said with a crack in his voice. Stiles nodded and got up.

''No time like the present, right? I have healed a lot, at least enough to do something. And I just want to know more about all of this. I will call you when I have found the place. Okay?'' He says to his father, already walking out of the front door and to his jeep—the diary in his hand and ready to be used.

''Be safe, Stiles, and be home before dark, please. Or at least call. I know how you can get lost in a book.'' His father scolds half-heartedly.

Stiles just smiles at his father and waves when he pulls away from the driveway. Time to face his future.

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