Chapter 19

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''Do you have any news on the pack?'' Deucalion asks the twins that are hovering in the door.

''Yes. The mermaid is not only mated to Derek Hale. She's also mated to some kid in our school.'' One of the twins responds.

Deucalion raises his eyebrow.

''That's interesting. He should be some kind of supernatural, too then. He can't be just human, with two powerful mates.'' Deucalion muses.

''How does he smell?''

''Like apples, and electricity, and sometimes like fire.'' The twins respond.

''Electricity, and fire. That sounds like a magic-user. I need to see him to check which kind. This could be very interesting. Did one of you heard something from Kali?'' He asks calmly.

''No, she never lets us know what she's doing. And he has lacrosse training tonight.''

''Let's give him a visit then.'' Deucalion sneers.

Stiles is running, ducking, jumping, and scoring like he never had during lacrosse practice. It maybe helps that half the team are werewolves that are his pack, and help him take everybody out in front of him. But he still thinks it's also his own reflexes and better stamina.

And a little that Derek and Nic are in the stands clapping and cheering for him. For him, Stiles Stilinski, teenage spazz with word vomit every five minutes. But they don't care, they love him, and he loves them. He scores another goal and cheers with his arms in the air.

''Amazing Bilinski! How did you become so good? Are you on steroids? Because if that's the case, I won't snitch if you give the rest of the team that stuff too.'' Coach Finstock says, sounding completely serious.

''Uhm, no coach, I'm not?'' He says awkwardly. How could he explain that he trained the whole summer with his mermaid girlfriend and running for his life? Better keep that to himself. The coach claps him on the shoulder before beginning to yell at Greenberg because, of course, Greenberg.

When Stiles walks back to the benches to have a drink, the lights suddenly turn off. Stiles immediately is on alert. It's so similar to the game where he was kidnapped that he can feel the panic rise in himself.

Flashes of Gerard and the other hunters are behind his eyes. Flashes of flames and two screaming men are in his head. He starts to breathe heavily and is not aware of what is happening around him before he feels an injection in his neck, and everything goes dark.

Derek and Nic sprung up as soon as the lights went out. They saw Stiles last in the middle of the field. When the lights went out, everybody started running around, searching for safety. Derek can hear Stiles starting panic attack and runs as fast as he can towards where Stiles should be before the panic attack stops suddenly, and Stiles's sounds and smell just vanish.

Derek can't use his eyes to locate him because everybody would see the red eyes. He can feel Nic next to him, and he grabs her hand. Not to lose her, and for his own benefit.

They are now in the middle of the field, but Derek can't smell Stiles. How is it that he can't smell him?

''Jackson, Scott, Isaac. Do you smell Stiles?'' He barks. Loud enough that the wolves will hear him, but soft enough that the humans won't.

There is a chorus of no's from all over the field. Martinique is now almost squashing his hand. It's painful, but he doesn't mind. It's all he has at the moment, so he won't freak out or wolf out. When Derek turns around, he can see Nic's glowing blue eyes.

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