Chapter 13

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They stood on the roof, looking down through a skylight. He could see a set of twin Alpha's, a woman on bare feet with claws at her feet. They looked repulsive, and he nearly gagged.

He couldn't see the other Alpha's, and that worried him. He knew that they followed the blood of Ennis. So he should at least be in the building. Stiles shuffled a little to the other side of the skylight before he could see the vault door. It was opened wide, and he saw two men inside of it. He now knew that they were at least complete inside. No unwanted visitors to be expected.

He looked at Martinique before squeezing her hand. She nodded and gave him a quick kiss before jumping off the building. He waited for a moment before he could hear banging on the door. All the wolves turned to the door, and the two men walked out of the vault to the door.

The wolf with sunglasses on said something to the twins, and they walked to the door. He smirked when he saw the other members' surprised faces before they wolfed out and sprinted out of sight.

Stiles took his chance and transported himself in front of the vault door. He looked back and saw that the bank was now empty. He quickly walked into the vault and saw Erica and Boyd sitting together on chairs. It seemed they were catatonic. They didn't respond when he walked in and crouched in front of them.

''Get away from them! Don't touch them!'' Stiles was startled, and he looked around to see a girl chained to the wall. She was snapping and snarling. Clearly a wolf then. She seemed familiar, but he couldn't place who she was.

''I'm here to get them out, so I really need to touch them. I can take you too.'' He said in his most soothing voice. It seemed to help because she calmed down, and her face changed back to fully human.

''Really? Can you do that?'' She sounded so broken that Stiles immediately nodded.

He walked slowly to her, holding out his hands so she wouldn't startle—he then pushed his magic out so the chains would snap. She lowered her arms and rubbed her wrists.

''Come on. We need to get away before the Alphas lose their interest when they can't get Nic.''

She looked a little dubious but nodded. They walked back to Erica and Boyd before Stiles snapped their bounds too. He hoisted up Erica and instructed the girl to do the same to Boyd.

''I'm going to transport us back to a safe place. Please don't let go, even if the feeling is unpleasant.'' Stiles pleaded with the girl before holding on tightly to Erica and grabbing hold of the girl's free arm.

He transported them within a second back to the loft. The girl gasped and pulled away when they landed.

''What the fuck?! What was that?''

''Magic,'' Stiles said while shrugging. He could see that Derek was waking, and he cringed a little when he thought about the fact that Derek would be screaming at him in the near future.

But first, he needed to check Erica and Boyd. They still seemed none responsive. He just started to check them out when he heard a gasp.

''Derek?'' The girl choked out.

Derek looked around and saw Stiles with Erica, Boyd, and...

''CORA?!" He croaked. His voice broke when he saw his long lost sister. He thought she was dead? How? Before he could ask any questions, Cora launched herself at him and sobbed in his arms.

Stiles wasn't expecting this and gaped at them. He had heard the name Cora before. He had read about her in the Hale fire report. He now knew why she seemed so familiar.

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