Chapter 15

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They kept searching for the thing that crossed Stiles's wards, but without result. It was like the thing just vanished, but Stiles wasn't so sure. He was afraid that the thing would attack when they wouldn't be ready, and Stiles was getting antsy. It didn't help that the Alpha pack also didn't do anything. After Ennis was killed, they did expect another attack, but nothing had come.

It was now the weekend before they needed to go back to school, and Stiles and Martinique were dragged with Lydia to go shopping. Stiles was complaining about the money, but Martinique just scoffed and said that she was paying. He was trying to protest, but then she just said that if she wasn't paying, Derek would pay and then flashed Derek's credit card. So he gave up.

Lydia, Erica, Cora, and Allison went with them, and they actually had fun. Stiles was getting dressed like a doll by the girls, and Martinique dragged him back inside the dressing room if he looked really hot to kiss him senseless. He wasn't protesting and felt only a little overwhelmed when she thought he was looking hot a lot of the time.

Allison stayed a little on the outside, but Martinique was warming up to her. Especially when Allison found a dress that Martinique loved, and Stiles only drooled a little. When Martinique also got a leather jacket, he groaned about it because he and leather just didn't match. He pouted before Lydia found a red leather jacket, and he fell in love.

''Oh my god! We are totally the leather pack!'' Stiles exclaimed before making a photo of himself and Martinique with the jackets and sending it to Derek. He got a text back when they were grabbing something to eat, and he snorted before giving the phone to Nic so she could read it too.

From: Love the Sourwolf

We aren't the leather pack. Don't get any ideas.

''Ah, our little stoic wolf,'' Nic says fondly before reaching over and taking some of Stiles's fries.

He gapes at her. ''You did not just steal one of my fries. There is no we in fries!''

''I really did steal one of your fries.''

He narrows his eyes at her, he may love her, but you do not touch his fries!

''7th of July,'' Nic sing songs. Stiles's eyes widen, and he closes his mouth.

''Take as much as you want, babe,''

''Thought so.''

''Sooooooo, what happened on the 7th of July??'' Erica croons while putting her elbows on the table and resting her chin on her hands. Cora, Allison, and Lydia also lean in to hear the story.

''Yeah, we are so not telling you about that,'' Stiles mumbles while turning a beautiful shade of magenta.

''I really can't tell you, because otherwise, I don't have any leverage. And you know, you need to have something to hold over your boyfriend. You understand.'' Nic says while winking.

All of the girls nodded earnestly.

''What do you have over Derek?'' Stiles asks, now curious about what Derek could have done since he has known Nic.

''If you want leverage over Der, you need to find out a thing for yourself,'' Nic says while laughing.

After lunch, they shop a little while further before calling it a day. Stiles has a completely new wardrobe to start the new school year. He feels confident when they walk out of the mall, hand in hand with Martinique and laughing over small things.

When they reach the cars, they bump into someone, and Stiles is pushed to the ground. He can hear Nic shout, Erica and Cora are growling, Lydia is screaming, and he sees Allison pull out a small knife she had hidden beneath her jacket.

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