Chapter 1

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He raises his head but only sees black. Open your eyes asshole, no wonder you can't see. He hears the faint grunting from Boyd and Erica next to him. I need to help them!

He opens his eyes and sees that two of Gerard's minions have changed their interests to Erica and Boyd. He can't have that.

''He! Assholes! You don't want them. Come on! They will heal. You want to leave something more permanent, don't you?'' He taunts, when the hunters turn their eyes to him, he fears for his life. He really should hold his tongue from time to time.

The hunters kick Erica again, and Stiles feels the rage inside him. A warm feeling in the pit of his stomach. He mentally gets a hold of it. He knows Scott and Derek will come for them. They needed to come for them. He just knows that they are already looking for them. He just needs to be sure that Erica and Boyd are safe. That's all that matters.

He can hear Erica whimper, Boyd seems dead to the world, but Stiles see that his chest is rising with ragged breaths. He knows that they are both alive. Erica looks at him, and the fear and terror in her eyes are real. It's not terror for herself, but for him. He knows it.

The hunters are now in front of him. One of them, Bill, if he remembered correctly, pulls a knife.

''I'm going to enjoy this, you are going to bleed, and if you survive this, everybody will know how damaged you are.'' Bills says with vigor. He puts the knife on Stiles's torso. His shirt was already torn and thrown in a corner after the first hour. If Stiles didn't miss any time, he is here now for at least two.

Stiles hisses when the knife breaks the skin. From his right hip up towards his heart, a gash is made. He doesn't look down. He already took a beating and some burns from cigarettes to his torso. This is a whole new level of torture. He knows he's going to be scarred after this.

''My pack will come for you! They will rip your throat out with their teeth!'' He sneers, he mentally claps his own shoulder for the reference to Derek.

''Your pack? Why would they want a breakable, spastic, ADHD teen in their pack? They aren't looking for you. In fact, I don't think they actually know your missing.'' The other hunters taunts. Stiles can't remember what his name is but doesn't care. They can't be right, can they? The pack must know where he, Erica, and Boyd are, right?

''Ahhh, I see the flicker of doubt in your eyes. You don't know if I'm right, but it is possible. You only will know for sure when you're out of here, but, well, you will die here, and when your 'pack' finds you, they won't miss you, they won't take revenge for you, you will die alone.'' Bill says, his eyes are tracking the gash he already put on Stiles, and Stiles feels himself become weaker from the blood loss.

He nearly gags when he sees that Bill has a boner and is palming it with his other hand that doesn't hold the knife.

''Okay, creepy pedo hunter, get away from me!'' Stiles yells. Bill just laughs and takes a step closer. Stiles struggles against his binds above his head and wants to cringe away when Bill lays a hand on his chest.

''Do you really want me to get away from you? Because I can also do this with your blonde friend over there, I'm not picky.'' Bill whispers in his ear. Stiles's heart stops for a moment before glancing in Erica's direction. He can't let Bill get to her. He won't let him.

Erica is crying silently on the floor, reaching for Boyd for comfort, but she is still restrained. Her eyes lock on Stiles's, and she mouths no. What she means by it, Stiles can't be sure. But the moment is interrupted when the door is opened.

Through the door walks, the most despicable human being Stiles, ever had the non-pleasure of meeting. Well, except for his daughter, that was a completely different psycho story.

He looks with all the disgust he can muster at the older man. Gerard just smirks at him.

''Did he talk yet? Where can I find the Alpha?'' Gerard asks.

Bill and the other hunter answer no, that he had not yet talked. And Stiles starts to laugh, a humorless laugh, a bit manic, but he, he is a bit manic at the moment.

''You really think that roughing me up will help to spill my secrets? Come on, old man. You should know I'm the most stubborn of them all. I would never betray them.'' Stiles says with certainty.

Gerard looks him up and down, and Stiles tries to repress a shudder. He still feels the rage inside him with the warm feeling, and even if he feels becoming weaker from the blood loss, the feeling stays the same. It even seems that the blood flow from his wound is already stopping. Mmh, that's odd.

He comes to his senses when he's punched in his face. Apparently, he missed some of the conversations, and hunters are not the most patient human beings, even worse than broody, grumpy, hot, leather-wearing werewolves, apparently.

''Well, that was just unnecessary,'' He snarks. He can't help it, okay. He doesn't have any self-preservation whatsoever.

''That's what you get for not listening,'' Bill sneers in his ear.

''Who wants to listen to you? Your momma?'' Stiles responds and gets a punch to the stomach as retribution. Stiles gasps for air, his knees have given out, but he's still up because the bounds on his hands.

''If he isn't going to tell us anything, lose him,'' Gerard says without any emotion. Stiles's blood runs cold. He knows that this is it. Where is his pack? His friends? Derek...

Derek will know where he is, right? He and Derek are always saving each other, and along the way, Stiles started crushing on the older man. He even likes the way how Derek doesn't treat him like he's breakable, and it's sexy as hell how he's pushed into walls and doors if Derek's body is pushed against him on the other side.

''Can I have a little fun with him before he's dead?'' Bill asks. Stiles watches the older man in horror. He doesn't want that man within 10 feet of him. And if he's implying what Stiles thinks he's implying... Oh god, he's going to be sick.

''Keep your hands off the goods, asshole!'' Stiles screams. He can feel the warm feeling inside him building. What the fuck is that?

''Do what you want with him, take him to the preserve, and when your finished, kill him. Leave him somewhere, where his dad can find him.'' Gerard says.

Rage is not something Stiles has felt often, anger, yes, of course, anger at Jackson for bullying him and Scott. Anger at himself because he still feels guilty for his mother's death, even if it wasn't his fault. Anger at Kate because of what she did to Derek. He never felt anything like the rage he feels now for Gerard, the man who wants to leave his body behind for his father to find. His father cannot see him like this. He will do anything in his power to stop his dad from feeling that pain.

Before he can say anything, he feels a bang on his head and everything goes dark. The last thing he hears is a scream from Erica.

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