No One is Searching for You

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I grab my phone to call Shigaraki. "Come on pick up!" "What do you want?" "Have you seen your sister?! Is she there with you?!" "No. Shouldn't she be with you? Is there anything else? I have work to do. Don't waste my time." "I'm serious! Why are you not worry? She's your sis-! Hello!? Hello?" 

Crap, he hangs up. I didn't have the chance to even tell him that she went to All for One's hideout. I am sure now that something really bad happened between those two. What should I do now? I will be in lot of trouble to even dare entering that hideout. What should I do?

I cannot ask for heroes since they are at the camp. Should I just make a missing report? Or should I just try to save her my own? I run to the nearest police station, at least someone needs to know her disappearance. Suddenly someone snatched me to the alleyway making me fell. 

I look up and glare... Kurogiri. "WHERE IS SHE?!" He stays quite while looking down on me. "All for One need something from her so...she'll be there for a while." "Give her back! She shouldn't even be there! What did you need from her? She is not a threat."

Kurogiri grabs something from his back...a knife. He wants to kill me?! "W-what are you doing?" "Oh nothing, just getting rid of clues. We just need your death." I move back to hit a wall. "I'm sorry, master's order." He stabs me right in the heart. 

I fell down looking at Kurogiri who teleporting away. Please...don't hurt her...


"Where did you go? You know that the attack is just in 4 days. We need to prepare."

"Sorry, I just need to clean up a bit. Master's order."

"Tch! I heard that my sister went missing. Where could she be? Did I say something too harsh to her?"

"I think it isn't matter now. We have to focus on the attack."

"Yeah, be prepared."

"As you ordered."


The first day of camp is rough. I was finally relaxing at my room so I can have energy to teach for those kids then Hizashi decides to ruin it by calling me in the middle of my rest. "Shota! You won't believe this! Giran just got murdered!" My eyes go wide. "Wait what happened?" 

"He was found in the alleyway, dead." "How about Tora? She must feel awful." "That's the problem, she's missing." "M-missing?! Does the police know or have any clue where she went?" "No, the police only found a letter from someone who asking her to meet up but the address was burn. We only manage to see 'Kuro' in the name. Seems like the one who lead her there didn't want anyone to find her." 

"So, no one know where she went?" "No, but I have a theory that Giran's death means the one who did this must know that Giran know the address." "So now what?" "After this camp we will immediately do a search party for her." I nod still feel extremely worried. 

"Don't worry. We will find her."


I wake up to be chain to the wall. Feeling dizzy as the same as overusing quirk. "Ah, I see you already wake up. Have a nice sleep, Little Tora?" I look to see All for One. Even without seeing his face, I know he is smiling. I want to yell but the only thing come out from my mouth just a grunt. 

"Cannot talk, huh? Here's a drink." He helps me drink and I cannot refuse. I'm really thirsty. "W-what do y-you...want?" "Hm? I don't really need anything from you but let's just say...I just want to 'shut you up'. But I still wonder how should I do it." I shiver scared of what will happen.

"S-someone will search f-for me. J-just you wait and you will pay for this." All for One laugh sinisterly. "No one is searching for you. No one knows where did you go. I make sure no one knows. The heroes also decide to...wait for the camp over to search for you." Wait...a camp? 

"W-what camp?" "Eh? You don't know? Haha! Your brother really hates you now, didn't he? Shouldn't he has told you about that? You're his sister after all." He was going to tell me about the camp but he didn't because I ask that question. I look at All for One. "G-gigi will come!" 

All for One chuckle darkly. "Don't even expect that pathetic caretaker saving you. Kurogiri already killed him for me." My eyes went wide. I feel tears fell from my face. He is lying...right? Gigi...died? That's a lie! No... no... no this is just a dream, right? Gigi is not dead! I-it's my fault... 

"It looks like your work gonna be easy. Just enjoy your time here. You're the guest after all." He walks out and I hear someone else enter. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.


Gigi...I'm's my fault! me...

Please help me! I'm scared.

I'm sorry for stopping you achieve your dream.

I won't do that again!

Nii- w-who are you?

A-all for One sent you here? F-for w-what?

W-what are you doing?




P-please...go away...

I-I'm so...rry...I won't be in your way...

I... just want to meet my nii-chan...please...

N-no! G-go away! I don't want go through that again!




I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty I am dirty

Brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother brother


"Sir, she's ready." "Can I see her?" "Of course. You just need to 'convince' her a bit and you're good to go." I smirk. "I will check on her." I get in the room, looking at the girl no longer chain at the wall sitting unmoving. She's...perfect. Her dull eyes... unfocused...a broken girl, no, a perfect girl, easily manipulated. 

"" I get to her level grab the photo of Shigaraki at my pocket, give her a look. "You want to meet your brother, right?" She immediately snatches the picture from my hand, holding it tightly. I smirk seeing how...desperate she is.

"Unfortunately, there are this people who...didn't like to see you two met. They are the heroes in costume." " costume...?" "Yes, the scary people, they are the one who keeping you away from your precious brother. You don't want that to happened, do you?" 

She grabs the picture more tightly. "I don't want that! I want brother! I. Want. Brother. I want him...." I place the knife in front of her. "I will help. Here's a knife to get rid of anyone who hold you down." "Remember, many people will take your brother away from you." She grabs the knife.

"" I smirk knowing that everything according to my plan and if not, this result already satisfied me. I stand up pointing to the guy who tortured her. "Why not start with him?" "Eh? S-sir? What d-do you mean?" 

She then stand up and lunge to the guy, killing him instantly. She keep stabbing him with all the hatred which amused me. "Kurogiri." "Yes sir?" "Teleport her to a quite alleyway, just in the right time after my fight with All Might and then bring Shigaraki to another hideout. Understood?" 

"Yes sir."

To be continued...

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