New Home

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I start walking slowly with my hands held by Mr. Aizawa, fearing of me fell. Well, I'm still a bit feverish but it's not really as bad as before. He also gave me his scarf and wrapped it around me. It's not much but it's better than my thin clothes. He said we only need to walk a bit. 

Then we arrived at his house. It's an apartment which usually expensive but pretty big. "This is your new home kid." He opens the door at lets me in. It's a nice apartment with 3 rooms, kitchen and mini living room. "There is your room. It was for my friend but something happens."

He looks sad mentioning this friend. His friend must be important to him and bad thing happened to him. "T-thank you, Mr. Aizawa. I'm really grateful. I promised to repay you in the future." He rubs my hair again. "No need kids. It's my job as a hero to help anyone." 

'There he goes again with being a hero. I wonder, if you're not hero then you would left me alone, right?' "Hey kid, why are you glaring? Is there something wrong?" I quickly look up and smile. "I-it's nothing. I was just thinking. Hehe..." Mr. Aizawa nod. 

"Oh ya, in this house there is other-" "HEEEEY SHOTAAAA!! YOU'RE HOME?!" "-people." I ran behind Mr. Aizawa. I know that voice! It's that loud hero, Present Mic. Mr. Aizawa sighs. "Yamada stop screaming. You're scaring the kid." "Oh...sorry little listener." 

I'm still not liking this guy so I just look away. Mr. Aizawa then moves a bit to introduce me "This is Tora. She's going be here for a while. Tora, this is Yamada Hizashi, he is also a pro hero go by Present Mic." 'Why do I always around heroes? This is not good, not good! I also don't like this one. It's so un-' 

"You're glaring again."

I quickly look down. "'s just a habit. I-I sometimes glare at something without realizing." They shouldn't know anything about me. "Well, let's be friend." He offered his hand. I shake his hand hesitantly. "Since you're still not well let's get you to bed." 

I nod and follow Mr. Aizawa to the room. I get in the bed and lay. It's been long since I slept in a proper bed. "Just rest, in the morning, we will be shopping for your stuff." He closes the door. I quickly get up quietly. Good thing there is still a window. I open it quietly and look down. 

It's really tall.

I'll just try to climb down slowly. 'I don't want to be here. I'll be just a bother and there is two of them. I'll just try to used my quirk.' Just as I was about to used my quirk, a sharp pain attacks my chest.

*Cough! Cough! Cough! *

It hurts! I fell to the floor, still coughing. My throat hurt. My body is heating up. My chest hurt. My breathing became more and more short. My head is spinning. I then try to go to the door but I fell again near the door. 'What's happening? Everything hurts. I only have a fever, right?' 

My vision starts to blur and everything went black.


"So now you're taking care of kid? That's a surprise." "That kid doesn't have any home, she also ran away from her family." "So why not bring her back?" "She didn't tell me anything about her family. She didn't even tell me her last name." Yamada sighs. 

"She seems private about everything but we'll make her comfortable." *Cough! Cough! Cough! Aizawa and Yamada turn to the sound. It's where the kid stays. Aizawa thought that she's just coughing in her sleep but he immediately realizes that's something wrong when he hears a thud. 

He immediately runs to the door. "Kid, are you okay?" He knocks on the door. No answer, he opens the door found the girl already in the floor. He grabs the girl trying to see face. Her face is red from fever. Her breathing is short and the worrying part is blood running down from her nose. "Hizashi call 911!" 

Yamada hearing that immediately grab his phone. "Uh yes, we are in the xxxxx street.... uh we need an ambulance. The girl is not in the good condition.... she has a bad fever and blood is running from her nose.... okay we'll wait." Aizawa carry her and goes outside waiting for the ambulance with Yamada.





"Where have you been? I've been looking fo-"

"I'm scared! I'm scared."


"A hero in costume killed my friends....and suddenly I'm in this weird room tha-"

"Hey, it's okay now I won't let anyone hurt you not even those disgusting heroes...but remember...

...don't ever live with them."



I open my eyes a bit. Everything still blurry. My throat still hurt. I feel a tube at my nose that I think the one help me breathing. My fever still a bit high but it's bearable. I feel my body cannot move any bit. "W...wa..ter..." I hear someone immediately help me drink. I lay back down. 

My head still hurt so I start to sleep again...


"Is she okay?" "Well, first, she's malnutrition, her fever still a problem and it's really bad in cold weather as well. Also, I see that she tries to use her quirk. That what cause the nosebleeds. If a person too tired or over using their quirk, I recommend them to rest and don't use their quirk for some times. Quirks sometimes backfire and cause more harm to your body." 

Aizawa and Yamada nod. Yamada really shocked hearing that she is that sick. When he first met her, she seems fine and well. "I want you guys to watch over her, make sure she always rests." The doctor then grabs a piece of paper. "Here are some medications to put the fever down. If her fever down then she can go home." 

The doctor writing some medications. "But she still not allowed to use her quirk for at least 4 days after she is released from hospital. We need to recover her body then she's gonna be healthy like normal. We also have a medicine for keeping her diet. We need to get rid of the malnutrition." 

The doctor gives the paper for the medication she needs. It's a lot and a bit expensive plus the hospital stays but Aizawa doesn't care. He feels like this kid is too young to die. Yamada take a peek of the check. "Woaw, that's an interesting price. But I don't care. Little listeners should be healthy so she can be a happy kid." 

They get the medication and pay for the hospital. Then they walk back to the room where Tora is in. She's in IV and with breathing tube. She's really looks skinny now. "Hah... the little listener really isn't looking good. Why did she run away from home?" 

"She said she doesn't want to be a bother to her family." Yamada's eyes went wide. "A bother? She's just a little kid, 12-year-old, why did she think she's a bother?" "I'm still trying to figure it out. She said her family is nice but I still doubt it. Why would she run away if her family is nice?" 

"W...wa..ter..." A faint sound makes Aizawa immediately grabs her a drink and help her to drink. After drinking, she stares at nothing then went back to sleep. "She's really tired. Anyway, since she'll be with us, I think she would love if we meet her with Kayama. She can helps us picking her clothes as well."

"That's a good idea. Well let's introduceher later when she is a bit better."

To be continued...

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