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She's always the weird siblings I have. If people said she's not my sister I will believe it cause other than my eyes, she looked nothing like me or even the other siblings. Not only that, she's really weak, got sick easily which made her home schooled and doesn't have friends. 

So being a good brother, I played with her. She was happy every time I played with her as a hero. "Brother will always be my hero." She always said that which make me really wanted to be hero like my grandmother. But then my quirk manifested and I was so scared.

This quirk was like a curse, I was scared of hurting my family but Tomiko never scared at me, not once. She even holds my hand bravely. "See? My quirk can cancel your quirk so you don't have to be afraid!" It made me happy and relieved. 

As long as we are together, I will live a normal happy life. But then.... something went down the hill. One day, she went outside with one of my neighbours who often come to play with her. His name is Haru, one year older than Tomiko. 

I didn't really like him but he was super nice with my sister and he's near her age so I couldn't complain. When he asked if he can bring her outside, I was worried but then I remembered how much she wanted to go outside. She always looked out from the window seeing that park near our house where children happily played with their friends. 

So, I say yes. I never thought it will be the first regret of my life. She arrived at home with her clothes full of blood. She only looked at her hand terrified. I tried to ask her that day, what happened but she only speak gibberish and saying "...he died he died. That big scary man killed him."

My parents immediately took care of her, washing all the blood. Then we found out that Haru take Tomiko to a further park and Haru was found dead there from an unknown reason. Everyone thought it was the villain. I don't really care about how Haru died but since then everything changed. 

Tomiko always anxious scared of everything. She even got a panic attack when she saw All Might or people in hero costumes. What happened that make her scared of this one guy we always liked, a hero. "Tomi-chan, let's play outside. You stay too long in your room."

"No! I don't want to! Outside scary!" Mom and Dad still tried to figure out what happened to her but her condition only getting worse and worse. Then my parents sent her to the asylum which I didn't agree. I begged for them to not do that. 

It will only make her more scared but they didn't hear me and took her away from me. That's when everything went down. I couldn't control my quirk and accidentally killed my family. I ran away and met with Kurogiri who then take me to meet Master. He then took care of me.


"Can you tell me what happened that day she returned home, terrified like that?" "From what I see...


"Hah...hah...hah...Haru, s-slow down. I'm...really tired...cough!" The taller boy in front of me just keep pulling me to a bigger park. "We arrived, see how big it is- hey you okay?" I can only breathe a bit trying to take a breather since I'm not used to running at all. 

I would've fall if Haru didn't hold my hand all the way causes my leg felt like jelly right now. "O-oh I'm sorry, Miko-chan. I got a bit excited to show you this park. Let's sit over there first." Haru then helps me walk to the nearest bench. I drink my water bottle that brother pack for me.

I then close my eyes a bit to feel that Haru put something on my head. He then brings out his pocket mirror. "See, now you look pretty in flower crown." I blush in embarrassed. "Happy Birthday, Miko-cha-"

I'm (not) SorryWhere stories live. Discover now