A Sudden Goodbye

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I wake up with sweat all over. It's disgusting but at least my fever is gone now. I look around to see Mr. Aizawa sleeping at the couch. 'Why is he still here?' Suddenly I want to go to the toilet but I don't want to wake him up. I get off from the bed, nearly fell cause my leg feels like jelly. 

I'm holding my IV for support so I can walk to the toilet but still fail. I fall to the floor. "Ow..." "Kid, what are you doing?" I see Mr. Aizawa walking towards me, helping me to get up. "I want to go to the toilet but I don't want to wake you up." Mr. Aizawa sighs and escorts me to the toilet.

'He's not mad, right? Did I do something wrong? But I just don't want to be a bother, especially to a hero...nii-san won't be happy with me.' I finish my business and go outside. Mr. Aizawa then helps me get up to my bed. I sit down, don't know what to do. 

"Hey, I'm going to work, I will come back with a friend of mine, she really wants to meet you." I nod but I have a bad feeling that this woman would also be a hero. "See you later. Don't use your quirk, your fever is down but your body is still malnutrition and healing. Eat your breakfast and drink the medicine. Rest well."

I bow my head a bit. "T-thank you, Mr. Aizawa." "You're welcome." He goes outside, leaving me alone. I sit in silence, a bit bored. I look to the table to see my phone...my phone? MY PHONE?! 'Wait I thought I already sell it. How did it get here?!' 

I grab the phone to see many messages from...nii-san. He must be really worried. 'I'll just call him.' I dial his number. "Hello?" "So, you finally decide to answer my call, huh? You know it's hard to contact you for the last month." "S-sorry, nii-san. I kinda have to sell my phone."

"Good thing I can find your phone and give it back to you. Do you know how worried I am?" "How... did you get my... phone back...?" "I have my ways. Anyway, we need to talk. Gigi said you've been hanging out with the...heroes lately." My mouth dried out suddenly. 

'H-he knows...? Gigi told him?' "Does my sister decide to betray me now?" "No! I just get caught up by them." "Really? Get 3000 yen and saying yes to living with them? Are you breaking our promise? " "I-it's not like-. I-I'm not! I-it's just...I-I'm...sorry..."

Tears already falling out of my eyes. I didn't mean to...please don't hate me. "Fine then since you apologized, I let it slide. Gigi will take you out from there. He will set another apartment for you. Why didn't you tell us you run out of money? *sigh* You know you're scared of them so why are you still caught up with them?" 

He mutters the last bit. "W-when will he come?" "Tomorrow. Be ready and don't you dare say no suddenly. Is that clear?" "Y-yes, nii-san!" "Now rest. If I hear you having a fever again, you're coming back here." "Y-yes. Bye." I end the call. My hands still trembling. 

I nearly made nii-san hate me. I press the nurse button.

"Yes, dear do you need something?"

"C-can I ask a request?"


"W-what? Why can't I get in?" The nurse just bows down, apologize "Sorry, sir but it's her request this morning. She didn't want any visitors to come in at the moment." I sigh a bit. 'This morning she seem ok, what happened?' "Oh, she also said that her caretaker is coming to pick her up." 

I look at the nurse with wide eyes and disbelief. "What? But she said that she doesn't have anyone else." "Well she tells me that it's her caretaker send by her brother." This doesn't make sense. How? This is so sudden. "I'll get back to my work, thank you for listening."

The nurse bows down and go back.


"Wait, I can't see the cutie?" Kayama sigh in disappointment. She really wants to meet the little girl. "Well we can't push her, maybe she needs a bit of time for her own." "But there is something weird. She suddenly has someone to take care of her." Kayama and Yamada immediately look at Aizawa. "WHAT?!" 

"You said yesterday that she doesn't have anyone else." "The nurse said that she will be pick up by her caretaker. I'm sure not only me who thinks that's weird." Yamada hold his chin, thinking. "That's weird. You said that she ran away from her family, alone in street then suddenly has a caretaker? There must be a missing piece of the story." 

Aizawa pinches his nose bridge. This is so weird to him. Of course, he could just ask the kid but now he can't even meet the kid. Should he break in just to get the answer? That's gonna be bad and he will stand out. His phone suddenly rings with unknown number. 

He would rather decline but he decided to accept. "Hello?" "Mr. Aizawa? I-is this really you?" It's Tora! "Kid? How do you get my number? Wait how do you have a phone?" "W-well it's hard to explain. I get your number from the nurse." "Okay? Now explain who is this caretaker? How come you didn't say you have someone to take care of you?" 

"I'm sorry, Mr. Aizawa." I sigh. This kid apologizes too much. "It's fine kid. Just explain to me." "Umm...so I don't really know how my phone is here but my brother calls me and find out that I am sick so he sends my uncle to take care of me." "Wait why he didn't do it in the first place?" 

"I'm the one who lies to him so he didn't know." "Oh, so that's why...thank you for explaining now everything make a bit more sense." "Before I hang up, c-can I make a request from you?" "Sure? What is it?" "This will sound weird but if we ever meet again, can you meet me when you're not in hero costumes?" 

"...why is that?" There's silence for a sec. Why she didn't like to see someone in hero costume? I-is she a villain? I hope not. "I... have a really big hatred and trauma towards heroes. It's not like I want to be villain or anything but it doesn't mean I can be okay with heroes especially when they are in costume."

Aizawa hum. "I'm really sorry. I-I promised to never hate you as a person. You are genuinely a nice person, Mr. Aizawa." 'This kid hates heroes? What happened? What traumatic things did happen to her to make her despised heroes?' thought Aizawa. 

"We may meet again someday but from now if mister want to say hi, make sure you're not in hero costume." "...okay...be safe okay?" "Yes Mr. Aizawa, thank you for taking care yesterday." "No problem, kid." She ends the call. "Was that the kid calling you? What did she say?"

"She said she will be away with her caretaker that her brother sent. I'll explain more detail later but from now we couldn't meet her, especially in our hero costume." Kayama looks confused. "Why is that?" "She said she didn't like heroes so seeing someone in hero costume may make her really hate the person. I don't really know why but that's not a hard request." 

Hizashi nods "Well we have to respect anyone opinion, as long as the kid is saved."


Since that day, the two never meet. One busy in hero work and one busy making her life better with just only being a street artist. They meet in one way or other way but she will straight up ignore him when he's in hero costume. It's really rude but he knows why and he respect that. 

They become busier and never even meet at all. All of this continue for 6 years until...

To be continued...

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