Meet Again

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"Why should I go to this art exhibition? Could I just sleep for a while? You know that I have a night shift and I have to be teacher at school." I start my call with my roommate by complaining while driving to the art gallery he asked me to go. I appreciate it but I have something much more important than this, sleeping. 

My sleep has been worse since I decided to become a teacher at UA not that I hate it since I still don't have student since my infamous expulsion. Funny that Nezu didn't fire me for that. "Don't say something like that, you sleep in class anyway and you don't even have student to teach! Like I said, all the hero will be there and there is someone who really want to meet you. You wear a suit like I ask you right?" said Hizashi from the phone. 

"Kinda?" "Don't tell me you only wear shirt with a tie and no suit." "Look, I don't really care and I don't have the energy to drive back again." "Fine then. Are you close yet?" "Yeah I'm parking now." "Oh ok, see you at the entrance." I end the call and come out of the car.

I walk to the entrance feeling everyone stare. I know I look like a weird guy but I still can't get rid of my black eye. "HEEEEEY!! THERE YOU ARE! YOU REALLY DIDN'T WEAR A SUIT!" "Quiet! This is an art gallery." "Sorry." We both walk to inside and get to the 2nd floor. 

There're so many people which makes me a bit uncomfortable but there some people I know so I don't really mind it. "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this art exhibition this evening." The MC greet everyone. "This evening we will be looking at the newest art for the last 2 years. There so many artists that has made but there's one artist who has created more than other. Let's welcome, the youngest artist, Tora!" 

I'm surprised. 'Wait, Tora? Is she that Tora?' Then came a girl. She wears a beautiful dress with her white blue hair curls until her hips. Her red eyes sparkle like always. 'It's her? Does Hisashi knows?' "Thank you for coming here. I'm really grateful that everyone here decides to come." She bows.

"As for everyone who doesn't know who she is, she is new artist but she had made up until 80 arts since she was 14." Everyone claps and some awe in shock. "As you notice I invite some heroes to come. I'm really happy to see you wear your suit and dress today, looks really lovely. Today, I invite you because I got a request from an agency to create a big art project drawing all of the heroes in one canvas. Well, that's gonna be too much if I did all of you so I pick from 1st place to 6th place heroes." 

She reveals the canvas and everyone in the room was surprised. She made all of the heroes that she picked in one giant canvas while showing their quirk. It was amazing and everyone immediately claps. It's an amazing art. A really detail one. 

"There are more so now I will let you all, ladies and gentlemen to take a look at some art. Enjoy your evening." All of the people decide to take a walk. I look at Hisashi. "Is this why you invite me here? How do you know she's here?" Hisashi laugh a bit. 

"Well she invites the heroes but I'm sure you won't join so I push you to come here." I sigh. "I will have come if I know she's here. Why don't you tell me?" "She said she wants to surprise you." "Oh, care to explain how you know she's here?" Hisashi pulled out the invite. 

"It's in the invitation and I met her occasionally when I get the groceries." I nod. Well I always busy at work and it will be impossible to meet her cause I wear my hero suit almost 24/7. Maybe that's why she forces all the hero to wear a suit or dress. 

"But you know, seeing her make me feel like a proud parent." "Why?" "Mr. Hisashi!" Hisashi and I turn around. Seeing the girl walking towards us. "Hey, Tora, nice dress." "Thank you! Well, Gigi pick it up for me. Mr. Aizawa, good to see you again!" 

"Good to see you, kid. Sorry if I can't have time to meet you." She smiles "It's okay. I am really grateful you still do my request." "No problem." She then pulls me to walk with her. "I want to show you one art I made." We walk a bit until we reach a canvas. 

It's not too big but I immediately know who did she draw. It was the drawing she made when we first met. "If you hadn't taken care of me that day, I may die that night so I'm really grateful." I pet her shoulder. "It's fine kid. I'm really glad that you grow up just fine." 

"Let's hang out after this! My pay!" "You want to pay?" "Of course. I want to return the favour. You can ask Ms. Kayama if you want." I nod "Sure kid." She smiles and bow. "Oh, I have to go now. See you in a bit, Mr. Aizawa!" She run back to the crowd explaining.


"Aw~... you're the kid that I really want to meet back then." She squeezes my cheeks. "Yes, sorry if I kinda reject meeting you back then, Ms. Kayama." "It's fine, sweetie. How have you been?" "Why don't we continue this at the restaurant?" 

Ms. Kayama nods and we walk to the nearest restaurant. It's a yakiniku. We order a table and come inside, order our drinks and meat. We then start cooking, well, mostly I try to cook all of them since I'm the one who invite them. "So how long have you been an artist?"

"I did draw since kid and I tried street art. It didn't work out really well but I really love drawing so I kept continue. Then people start to notice me and some company decide to order so it really work out." "Aren't you a determined girl? Your art is so good and very detail. The coloring is so beautiful. Is it because of your quirk?" 

I smile nervously. "Yes, for the coloring not the sketch." "Oh really? What kind of quirk is it?" 'Like I thought, they will ask about my quirk.' I felt a sting at my forehead. I see Mr. Aizawa who just flick my forehead. "You're glaring." "Oh s-sorry, it's a habit when I'm thinking of something." 

They nod. "S-so about my quirk it's a simple quirk. It's called paint. Everything I touch can turn into paint in a colour I want to." "Ooo~ that's an interesting quirk." "People sometimes said that. When I'm doing street art, I always ask for item that will not be used again." 

"They sometimes amaze or even pay me more than I ask which really nice." I explain. "Is that why you're wearing gloves all the time?" asked Mr. Aizawa. I nod. "It's just in case my quirk suddenly activates. I can control when to do it but sometimes I forgot." 

The foods come and we start cooking. "So, uh... Mr. Aizawa, I heard you are a teacher now." "A teacher without student is more accurate." I'm surprised. "You expelled an entire class?!" "Well they were just slacking off and not even strong enough not near my standard. They just think getting UA for the good names." 

"How brutal is your test?" "It's not brutal, they just didn't pass my requirement." I really don't like that he expelled some student because of that. I'm sure some of them have a potential. What if being a hero their only dream? Did they don't know that's how villain created? 

"You're glaring again." "O-oh sorry! Anyway, let's eat before the food get cold." We start eating. We talk and laugh. Mr. Aizawa gonna be teaching new student this year so I hope he didn't expel them all this time. Tring...tring...tring... "Oh sorry, I have to take the call, excuse me for a sec." 

I bow and walk outside. "Hello, Gigi, do you need something?" "Well hello there, sister." "Nii-san?! How have you been? Is everything work out well?" "Yeah, yeah I'm fine but I'm pretty salty that you made that drawing. It's revolting." I sigh. 

He still didn't like me close with heroes. I'm not comfortable too but they are normal in person. "Well, it's an order with a big prize. Of course, I will take it." "But I'm sure you will be hanging out more with those heroes." "Niisan, you remember our promise, right? You can tell me anything and I won't tell anyone. Believe me." 

"Yes, I know you won't tell anyone but it's just irritating seeing you with them." "I know..." "Now, can you go back? I want to tell you something. It's not really important but I want you to hear it." "I will, just wait a bit." "At our usual place okay? Don't be late." "Okay, okay, love you, niisan." 

"Whatever." He ends the call. He is so tsundere, never change. I laugh a bit. I walk back and sit on my sit. "Sorry, I have to go home now. It's already 8 and Gigi is starting to worry if I came home late. Here some money to pay for it. Again, I'm sorry." I bow a bit. "It's fine kid." 

"Yeah! We can meet again. You have my contact, right?" "Yeah. I'll take my leave." I wave goodbye and walk to my brother usual place, rooftop.

To be continued...

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